
15 weeks pregnant: what happens to the fetus and the expectant mother?

15th week of pregnancy is a "golden" time for mom and baby. The state of health of a pregnant woman is excellent, if something tormented her in the first third of the period of bearing the baby, now all the troubles are behind. The baby is still very free in the cozy space of the uterus, his movements are not constrained by anything. About what are the features of this obstetric week, what happens to the baby and the expectant mother - in this material.

How many months is it?

By week 15, all women, with extremely rare exceptions, are under dispensary observation in their antenatal clinic. And this very fact becomes the reason that there is no confusion in the timing of pregnant women. At earlier dates, there are some discrepancies - the woman believes that she has one term, and for some reason the doctor puts a couple of weeks more. Now women "in position" are already accustomed to such a concept as obstetric pregnancy. It is counted from the day the last menstruation begins to the onset of pregnancy.

15 obstetric week is 13 weeks from conception. 11 weeks have passed since the start of the delay (more than 77 days).

It is the fourth month of pregnancy, and this period is considered the easiest and most relaxed of the entire pregnancy. The main examinations are left behind, now a woman can rest a little and tune in to the "equator". Very soon, pregnancy will reach half of its term.

In order not to get confused, you should also clearly understand that 15 obstetric week is not 15 full weeks, but 14-15 obstetric week, in other words - six days that are between 14 and 15 weeks.

How does a woman feel?

The hormonal "revolution" in the body has taken place. Now progesterone and hCG have accumulated enough to ensure the normal development of the baby in the future, and these substances are no longer produced in large quantities. As the hormonal background becomes more stable, the woman feels much better. Many people say that at the beginning of the 15th week they experienced an unexpected surge of strength and vivacity.

Some women during this period do not experience anything unusual, most often these are the "lucky women" who did not have the opportunity to experience the pangs of first trimester toxicosis. If at the beginning of pregnancy the woman had a hard time, then right now she notes with pleasure that it became easy, good, pleasant for her. The nausea has receded, the morning vomiting is no longer repeated, the smells from the kitchen do not feel sick, and the perfume does not cause disgust.

The drowsiness that haunted the expectant mother from the first weeks of pregnancy begins to disappear, and the woman becomes more vigorous and efficient, she no longer has severe fatigue in the afternoon, less often a headache. Headaches, which were also the result of exposure to high doses of progesterone, become less intense. The mood improves. There are no sharp emotional changes, gratuitous tears and anxiety. Understanding that a dangerous period in terms of the likelihood of miscarriage is left behind, makes a woman more confident, calm, balanced and peaceful.

Among the unpleasant sensations that are quite real at this gestational age are weak sipping pains in the lower abdomen, in the lateral parts of it, and also in the lower back. They usually have a completely understandable physiological origin - the uterus grows, the woman begins to feel it, and the ligaments that hold the female genital organ stretch, and this process is accompanied by those very episodic pains.

Some women continue to have some difficulty in nasal breathing - rhinitis, which is caused by swelling of the mucous membranes, may persist, but in most cases it passes along with toxicosis and other unpleasant "companions" of the first trimester of pregnancy.

Normalization of urination becomes a pleasant "event" of the 15th obstetric week. Women who previously suffered from frequent urge to go to the toilet less often. But the growing uterus slowly and steadily rises and already tends to tighten the diaphragm, and therefore this week or a week later, a woman may experience shortness of breath, it becomes more difficult for her to breathe. This condition will last until the end of the third trimester, and only when the abdomen "drops", a few weeks before giving birth, can she breathe fully again.

Some of the expectant mothers at 15 weeks continue to suffer from heartburn, and constipation often occurs. Physiologically, these unpleasant phenomena can be explained by the pressure of the growing uterus on the digestive organs. Also, they are often associated with a woman's violation of the principles of proper nutrition during pregnancy. By the way, appetite from the second trimester begins to grow, and the main thing here is not to overdo it and not gain extra poundsthat will definitely not benefit either mom or her child.

Changes in the body

The most important change in the body of the expectant mother this week is a growing belly. Now everyone can see it. Rarely does anyone manage to keep a pregnancy secret at this time. But this is no longer required, because all the bad "omens" that "forbid" a woman to disclose the fact of her pregnancy at an earlier date do not play a role, because the threat of spontaneous abortion is now minimal.

Outwardly, the woman has changed a lot. She has rounded, the waist has "added" 3-4 centimeters, the hips look wider. Normal weight gain to baseline this week is considered to be 3-3.3 kilograms for thin women, 2-2.6 kilograms for women with a normal physique and no more than 1.2 kilograms for obese women. This increase consists of the mass of the fetus, amniotic fluid, placenta and fat reserves in the mother's body, which are carefully created by the pregnancy hormone progesterone.

Weight gain in excess of these values ​​is a reason to consult a doctor and choose the right diet and physical activity.

The height of the standing of the fundus of the uterus this week is 12-13 centimeters. The fundus of the uterus approaches the middle of the vertical between the pubis and the navel. The uterus has already reached such a size that it can be easily felt through the anterior abdominal wall.

The average length of the cervix for the current period is 36 mm. In the second pregnancy, it is slightly larger - up to 36.7 mm. The uterus is located above the bosom, it is already in the abdominal cavity. The uterus itself begins to stretch, while it is more rounded, but gradually the shape changes to an oval. The ligaments holding this organ are stretched, which can cause mild aching pain and tingling in the lower abdomen, in the lower back. Due to the change in the center of gravity, complaints may appear that the back hurts.

A woman produces melatonin more actively, because of this, freckles can become brighter, in some pregnant women, age spots and large spots are beginning to appear right now. Do not be afraid - the peculiarities of pigmentation during pregnancy are such that after childbirth, even the largest pigment "marks" will not leave a trace.

The breasts continue to grow, but not as intensely as in the first trimester. Therefore, at the 15th obstetric week, pain, itching in the nipples is practically not observed. The nipples themselves darkened a few weeks ago, now many women, especially those who have given birth and breastfeed before, produce colostrum rather intensively - the "prototype" of future breast milk.

To make large and lush breasts easier to "wear", a woman needs a bra with wide straps and comfortable cups. If there is so much colostrum that it stains your clothes, you can wear a nursing bra - it has special inner "pockets" for inserts that will prevent blouses and T-shirts from getting dirty.

This week, the woman's body becomes another 20% more circulating blood. This is due to the intense growth of the placenta. therefore short-term attacks of dizziness, lowering of blood pressure may occur. If the pressure decreases gradually, the woman usually does not feel anything special. But sudden jumps in blood pressure can be quite well felt.

In case of loss of consciousness, headaches, nausea and weakness, you should definitely visit a doctor ahead of schedule, without waiting for a planned appointment at the antenatal clinic.

Chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels begin to decline. It reached its "peak" at 12-13 weeks and now it will gradually fall down until the very birth. Now the concentration of this hormone is in the range of 6140-130000 Honey / ml, and during pregnancy with twins, it is twice as high.

This week, in general terms and the mother-placenta-fetus system begins to function. An uninterrupted blood flow is established between the uterus and the placenta (uteroplacental blood flow) and between the fetus and the placenta (fetoplacental blood flow). The placenta completes its formation, completely protecting the child from everything negative from the outside and nourishing him with everything he needs.

The discharge characteristic of week 15 is no different from the accepted norms for previous weeks. Their amount should be moderate, the color should be white or slightly yellowish, the odor should be absent, but not considered abnormal, and the presence of a slight sour odor. Naturally, there should be no itching, pain or other unpleasant sensations. If the discharge becomes greenish or gray, takes on an unpleasant odor, this indicates inflammation, an infection localized in the genital tract.

Thrush with its characteristic white cheesy discharge does not happen often this week, but if this happens, you should immediately inform your doctor about it.

The most dangerous are bloody discharge, bloody, brown or pink. This color is given to them by blood in different concentrations. These may be symptoms of problems with the cervix, with the placenta.

If any bloody discharge appears in the presence or absence of pain, you should immediately call an ambulance and go to a medical facility. Self-medication and the hope that "everything will pass by itself" can be extremely dangerous for the health of the child and the expectant mother.

Stirring - when to wait?

Pregnant women at 15 weeks, after reading reviews on the Internet, begin to look for the first, barely noticeable signs of the baby's first movements. Primiparas shouldn't worry about this until 20 weeks. However, women who have already become mothers can theoretically feel the first movements of their baby at this time, but so far it is quite difficult to distinguish them from intestinal peristalsis. Women who are carrying twins, at 15 weeks, often already feel the movements of their babies, but so far rarely and weakly.

It is not necessary to count the movements now, even if they have appeared. So far it has no diagnostic value. Most likely that at 15 weeks, very thin, slender women and girls will feel the first light touches of the baby from the inside. Thicker women may not yet be able to capture these unusual sensations.

Fetal development

The fetus at the 15th week of pregnancy reaches a significant size - it can be compared with a solid orange. His full height now reaches 15-17 cm, and weighs almost 75 grams. The baby is growing much faster than his mother can imagine - at the beginning of 15 weeks, it is about 14 cm long from head to heels, but after six days he will grow by as much as three centimeters and increase his weight by 25%!

Baby's appearance

Nothing of the embryo remained in the child's appearance. There is no tail, which is characteristic of all mammals at the embryonic stage of development. The kid looks quite human, however, certain imbalances are still observed. So, the baby's head remains large in comparison with the rest of the body, but it is no longer oval, as before, but round.

Arms and legs continue to grow. The upper limbs are still longer than the lower ones, the balance between them will be achieved later.

The fruit is thin and awkward. His entire body is covered with folds of skin. Such thinness is a consequence of the lack of subcutaneous fat: until it is produced. The skin itself has a red color due to the fact that a network of blood vessels is visible through it. When subcutaneous fat begins to be produced, both of these "flaws" in the baby's appearance will be eliminated - he or she will become a plump with pink tender skin.

Hair is growing on the baby's head now, but they have no color - all babies at this time are natural blondes. At 15 weeks, the baby has cilia and eyebrows. The eyes are still closed and the eyelids are fully formed. This week the formation of the auricles ends, now the baby's external hearing organs look exactly as they will look at the time of his birth.

Ears and eyes "stood" in their proper place. The face does not look strange now. The nose develops and grows. Already, you can see the profile of the fetus, and some babies are already snub-nosed, while others have an impressive nose, just like dad's or mom's. More and more individuality appears in appearance this week.

Now small nails are growing on small toes. While the nail plates are still very thin and delicate, they will begin to harden much later. Unique fingerprints appeared on the pads of the fingers - each kid has his own pattern on his fingers, it is impossible to find two identical ones.

Sense organs

Despite the fact that the formation of the sense organs is complete, the baby cannot yet see and hear in full understanding of these words. The retina of his eyes now distinguishes light that penetrates through his very thin eyelids. You can check this using an ultrasound scan. If you shine a flashlight on your mother's belly, the baby will begin to move actively, not knowing yet another way to react to the stimulus, which is a bright light.

The baby already has hearing, but it still resembles the hearing of reptiles - it is vibrational, that is, the baby reacts to special vibrations created by sound waves - to her mother's voice, to the beating of her heart, to loud sounds on the other side of her mother's belly. After about a month, the inner ear will begin to function in full volume, transform sound waves, and then the child will begin to hear in the same way as we do, however, adjusted for the water environment and the thickness of the mother's abdominal wall.

Already now, the baby in her mother's womb has tactile sensitivity - the nerve endings on the skin allow him to feel touches if he accidentally touches the walls of the uterus or himself.

The baby has been distinguishing tastes for a long time: the receptors-papillae on the tongue and cheeks on the inside of them work properly, and the baby already prefers sweet over salty or sour. But the baby still does not distinguish smells, since the nasal passages are closed with mucus and there is no breathing in the usual sense of the word, the baby receives oxygen from the mother's blood.

Endocrine system

From the 15th week of pregnancy, the baby reaches a new level - the endocrine glands begin to work, which produce all the hormones necessary for growth and development. The endocrine system begins to function. The pituitary gland begins to control the production of hormones and secretion glands.The pancreas produces insulin, and the thyroid - thyroid-stimulating hormones, thanks to which, including the bones of the child, begin to accumulate calcium and harden. The adrenal glands, thymus and pineal gland are already beginning to function.

In addition, from the 15th week, the baby's own endocrine glands begin to work - sweat and sebaceous. Own endocrine system will allow the baby to better adapt to changing living conditions, provide metabolism, and it will "spur" the development of immunity.

Nervous system

The central nervous system in the current obstetric week takes control of the baby's body. Now, every week, his movements will become more and more arbitrary and conscious. In the brain, which already has hemispheres and all departments, a cortex begins to appear at this time. This is the very gray matter that will allow the child to think after birth and provide higher nervous activity.

The cortex develops from the embryonic ectoderm - the front of the neural plate. In the near future, all six layers of the cerebral cortex are to develop.

Red bone marrow during this period provides the production of blood cells. The spinal cord conducts impulses from all organs and systems to the brain. Now all the components of the central nervous system are improving and "hone" the interaction. Already now in the "arsenal" of the crumbs there are several reflexes important for survival - he knows how to suck, swallow, push off obstacles with his feet. If the baby is frightened, he tries to hide, the instinct of self-preservation begins to work.

Internal organs

The baby's gallbladder has grown, it functions by producing bile, now this fluid begins to enter the intestines. It is she who will color the original feces "meconium" in a dark green, almost black, color. The intestines have learned to contract perfectly. Up to 70 times a day, the child's intestines "rehearse" peristalsis, despite the fact that there is still no full-fledged digestion.

Thanks to the well-functioning of the stomach and kidneys, the child now swallows amniotic fluid and pees regularly. Urine again enters the amniotic fluid, which very often renew its composition and remains a safe and sterile environment for the baby.

The child's heart is functioning at full strength. Now this small organ is doing a great job - it provides blood supply to all parts of the body, the baby's heart pumps 23-25 ​​liters of blood per day. The heart rate (HR) at week 15 averages 157 beats per minute. Variations from 146 to 168 beats per minute are possible.

Already now, by the nature of the fetal heartbeat, one can conclude how well the fetus feels - hypoxia causes an increase in the rhythm, and prolonged chronic hypoxia - a decrease.

The baby's lungs and bronchi are formed. The respiratory system actively "trains", making movements that, after the birth of the baby, will become the basis of breathing. The liver is now becoming a digestive organ.

Baby gender

You can already try to determine the gender of the baby by ultrasound, however, provided that the baby is located to the sensor with the desired part of the body. The genitals are formed and grown enough to be visualized. It is during this period that many pregnant women go for an ultrasound scan to find out the gender of the baby, but the number of erroneous conclusions is now quite large. In order not to doubt, not to think whether the doctor was mistaken or not, it is better to wait another three weeks. Then gender identification can be done more easily, and there will be much less room for doubt.

Male fetuses now produce their own sex hormone - testosterone. In girls, estrogens will begin to be produced a little later, while the little princess has enough maternal sex hormones. The internal genitals are fully formed - boys have a prostate gland, and girls have ovaries with millions of eggs.

In female fetuses, the ovaries descended from the abdominal cavity into the small pelvis. In boys, the testicles have not yet descended into the scrotum, this process has not even begun. Their testicles are still in the abdominal cavity for now. They will begin their way down from about the 19th week of pregnancy, and they will descend into the scrotum from the pelvis by 28-30 weeks.

Now the development of the child begins to "adjust" to gender. So, male fruits gain weight a little faster than female ones, and boys grow up with a slight lead.

What can a baby do?

Despite the fact that the baby is in the mother's womb and completely depends on her, he has already learned a lot and can do a lot. His muscles are developing rapidly. He already has many different movements and facial expressions at his disposal.

At 15 weeks, most children know how to smile and willingly demonstrate this new skill to doctors of ultrasound diagnostics, if such an examination is now prescribed for a woman. In addition, all children know how to frown, yawn, hiccup, curl up their lips. The kids are keenly interested in what is happening around them, touch the umbilical cord, themselves, feel their face, put their fists in their mouths and suck them with pleasure, just as they will do after their birth.

Some babies are already beginning to show "character" - some cover their genitals with pens or turn away from the ultrasound diagnostician's scanner, while others are not at all opposed to attention to their own person and pose with pleasure, showing everything they have to the doctor. Some babies are shy and "freeze" from loud sounds, while others are curious and mobile and, on the contrary, come into active movement from external pathogens.

Fetus on ultrasound

Ultrasound as a type of diagnosis at 15 weeks is not considered mandatory. Therefore, the woman is not prescribed it, this period is in the middle between the first planned and the second planned prenatal screenings. If there are no special reasons, which include the deterioration of the condition, health, the appearance of atypical discharge or pain, then the pregnant woman is not sent to the ultrasound office. Many mothers themselves go for such diagnostics in order, for example, to find out the sex of the child or to look at the baby in three-dimensional format on a 3D ultrasound.

Preparation for an ultrasound scan is no longer required - the uterus is large enough to be examined through the anterior abdominal wall without a full bladder. A woman also does not need to take drugs that eliminate increased gas formation in the intestine, the intestinal loops have already been pushed back by the uterus.

The kid is clearly visible from all angles. Mom is given to listen to how his little heart is beating, and also shown how the baby moves. If the genitals are visible, they must be shown separately. When asked by the mother if everything is all right with the baby, the doctor will name its main parameters, they are now talking about how the growth and development of the baby is proceeding. This week is characterized by such parameters.

  • BPR... This size between the parietal bones is also called the transverse size of the head (biparietal). This week it ranges from 27 to 31 mm. If the BRP is larger, then the doctor may suggest a tendency towards the formation of a large fetus. A significant excess of BPD is the basis for a careful study of the structures of the child's brain, because the head can be large also due to the presence of tumors, dropsy (hydrocephalus). Lagging behind bipolar disorder is considered as a sign of an incorrectly set period or a delay in intrauterine development of the fetus.
  • LZR. This size will most likely be measured for the first time in the current obstetric week. It is called the frontal-occipital because it measures the distance from the frontal bone to the occipital bone. Together with the BRP, this size indicates the development of the baby, the proportionality of his head. Normally, at week 15, the LHR is from 25 to 39 mm.

  • Paired bones. At week 15, DBK (length of the thigh bones) is measured, as well as the bones of the shoulder, lower leg. The normal length of the thigh is considered to be 10-18 mm, the bones of the lower leg are now in the range from 7 to 17 mm, the length of the humerus is 10-19 mm. The length of the forearm bones has not yet been measured - the forearms are still small.
  • Tummy circumference... The kid is still thin, his tummy cannot boast of solid dimensions. At 15 weeks, about 90 mm are considered normal.
  • Head circumference... The head is still the largest part of the baby's body, so it should not be surprising that the head circumference is now quite large - in the range of 110-130 mm.

CTE (coccygeal-parietal size) is rarely measured this week, because it becomes difficult - the baby is large and may not fit entirely into the area of ​​the sensor. And even more so, according to the CTE, the timing of pregnancy is not checked now, now there are other indicators for this. Nevertheless, if it is measured, it will now be in the range of 87-90 mm. Moreover, if the period is approximately equal to 14 weeks and 3-4 days, then the size from the coccyx to the crown will be less than the same indicator at 14 weeks and 5 days.

If, for some reason, an extended ultrasound examination is recommended to a woman, which is done exclusively on expert class devices, then here are some more very curious sizes that are characteristic of the 15th week of pregnancy:

  • the width of the scapula of the crumbs is now at the level of 6-11 mm;
  • the length of the baby's foot at 15 weeks is 8-11 mm;
  • the diameter of the fetal orbit is 7-9 mm.

As for the possible pathologies that a baby may have, it is quite difficult to diagnose them this week, despite the level of development of medicine, because all internal organs are still very small. For example, while there is no way to know if the lungs are healthy, because their formation is still ongoing. Brain abnormalities are still difficult to assess, with the exception of cases of anencephaly (absence of the brain).

There is no way to assess about the structure of the kidneys and bladder. The only exceptions are only cases of gross pathologies - for example, the absence of one or two kidneys. The rest will be seen a little later.

But at this time, the digestive organs are already well visualized, the doctor will be able to see gross defects, for example, esophageal atresia. There is no difficulty in assessing the skeletal system.

Potential risks and dangers

Despite the fact that the most dangerous period has passed, and a sudden miscarriage at 15 weeks is almost impossible, a woman should closely monitor her well-being and record any changes. The list of dangers that can happen during this period is quite large. Let's look at what threats a pregnant woman may face this week, how to recognize them and what to do if this happens.

Threatened miscarriage, undeveloped pregnancy

As already mentioned, the probability of a threat is now minimal, but it is not zero, and therefore it is worth being vigilant. If the lower back hurts badly, there are bloody or smearing discharge from the genitals, a woman should definitely consult a doctor, and call an ambulance.

Timely access to a specialist in 97% of cases allows you to quickly establish the cause and maintain the pregnancy.

If a bloody "daub" appeared, and the ultrasound did not find signs of the baby's vital activity, we can talk about a frozen pregnancy. For reasons unknown to science, this happens for a period of 15-17 weeks. Even if a woman has successfully overcome other "critical" periods - 3-4 weeks, 8-10 weeks of pregnancy, then the irreparable may happen right now. The probability of fetal freezing at this time is small, but it exists.

Unfortunately, medicine cannot help in this case. If the child dies, then the only thing that can be done for the woman is to free the uterine cavity from the fetus as soon as possible, because internal inflammation can cause sepsis.

Fetal tissue samples are taken for genetic analysis to find the cause of its death. They do not always find it, but if they find it, then this information will be of great value to the doctor, who will subsequently help the couple plan a new pregnancy.

Lack of calcium

A calcium deficiency in a woman's body may occur due to the fact that she does not have enough of this mineral in her blood, and the needs of a child, who are now actively hardening bones and growing muscles, are high in calcium. Hypocalcemia can manifest itself in different ways. Most often, a woman's nails become brittle, teeth can deteriorate, gums and hair can begin to bleed. Often expectant mothers complain about the occurrence of leg cramps - calves "drive" in the evening or at night in a dream.

The attending physician will help to correct the situation. It is not necessary to wait for a planned appointment at the antenatal clinic, you can call him and clarify which vitamins and minerals you can start taking, whether there is a need and expediency for additional intake of calcium supplements.

Colds, flu, ARVI

All these unpleasant diseases, if you still could not protect yourself from them, can no longer harm the child as if they had happened earlier, in the middle of the first trimester. The placenta is now doing a good job with a protective barrier function, and a woman can even take some medications to relieve her own condition in case of illness.

You should not immediately start taking pills when symptoms and signs of illness appear. Not all drugs that worked well before are now legal. A woman in a position should definitely call a doctor and consult with him about how best to be treated if she contracted the flu or SARS.

The most dangerous thing about these most often seasonal ailments is high fever. Intense and prolonged fever can cause problems with uteroplacental and fetoplacental blood flow. Doctors will help to reduce the temperature, who will tell you which of the antipyretic drugs can now be taken by the expectant mother.

"Short" neck or ICI

If a woman has previously been diagnosed with ICI (isthymic-cervical insufficiency), the cervix is ​​shortened, then at 15 weeks, as a rule, certain measures are already taken to preserve the pregnancy.

Some women are shown full bed rest in a hospital setting, others have already had a pessary or stitches on the cervix. If the insufficiency of the cervix is ​​unexpressed, then the woman is allowed to lead a habitual way of life, just not to lift weights and not to burden herself.

If there is such a diagnosis as the central nervous system, regardless of the method of treatment suggested by the doctor, a woman should remember that the greatest danger for her is the hypertonicity of the uterus - the cervix may not withstand, and then a miscarriage will begin. Determining the tone of the uterus is quite simple - the abdomen becomes hard, almost "stone", pulls the lower back.

Dysfunctions of the adrenal cortex

If a woman has previously experienced problems with the condition and functioning of the adrenal cortex, right now she may feel worse. This is possible provided that she is carrying a boy. Testosterone, which is produced in the baby, enters the blood of the expectant mother, and if there are difficulties with the adrenal glands, and their own testosterone is exceeded, an excess of this hormone may occur.

Women who have such a problem should definitely visit their doctor this week and pass urine for 17-KS (analysis for the content of 17-ketosteroids).


The uterus grows and squeezes the intestines, which leads to constipation, while at the same time the pressure on the inferior vena cava increases. Together, all these factors often lead to the fact that a woman manifests hemorrhoids. This unpleasant disease associated with impaired blood flow in the hemorrhoidal veins, necessarily requires treatment.

It is not necessary to treat hemorrhoids with folk remedies during pregnancy, it is best to consult a doctor, do not hesitate, tell about the problem and get an appointment. In the second trimester, the list of drugs approved for relieving the symptoms of hemorrhoids, compared to the beginning of pregnancy, is significantly expanding, the doctor will definitely select an effective and harmless drug.

Recommendations for expectant mothers

To avoid most complications and not to overshadow the second trimester with ailments and deterioration of well-being, simple recommendations that are relevant for women who are 15 weeks pregnant will help.


Maintain a good mood and a positive frame of mind. This is very important, because the baby already subtly feels all changes in his mother's mood. Perinatal psychologists say that right now - in the fourth month of gestation - the basic worldview of the baby is being laid, it is being decided whether he will be an optimist or a pessimist. To increase your baby's chances of becoming an optimist, it is important for a woman to monitor her emotions, to protect herself from communication that brings negative, from stress and worries.

Now is the best time to watch and review good films, fairy tales, favorite cartoons, read kind and interesting books, start reading magazines and books for young parents that tell about the intricacies of childcare.


Women who proudly show their rounded tummy to others should not forget that clothes should not be too tight, press in the belt, in the hips. This kind of thing can disrupt circulation. You should not wear things made of synthetic fabrics, the skin does not "breathe" in them, and sweating in pregnant women is increased regardless of the season.

Women who are uncomfortable when their tummy is closely examined in public transport or on the street should wear loose and spacious things, they can still hide their "interesting position", and in order to divert attention from the belly, it is worth picking up a beautiful bright scarf, hat, noticeable beads - when you see a pregnant belly, much less attention will be paid.


With falling asleep at this time, usually no problems arise, as the hormonal background stabilizes, sleep improves. But many women at 15 weeks have very real problems with the sleeping position, because it becomes uncomfortable to sleep on the back, the uterus presses, and you cannot lie on your stomach at all.

It is already important for a woman to get used to sleeping on her side. To make sleep more comfortable now and then, at a later date, special pillows for pregnant women will help, which can be wrapped around your legs and on which a large and heavy belly fits comfortably in the third trimester.


Prenatal bandage is not a whim and not a medical prescription according to indications, although sometimes you cannot do without it in case of certain complications of pregnancy. A bandage is an effective way to facilitate the period of childbearing. Already now, a woman can visit the nearest orthopedic salon and choose a comfortable device for herself that will gently fix the abdomen, support it from below, relieving the load on the legs and back.


Sexual relations at week 15 are not contraindicated unless the doctor has a different opinion on this matter. With an insufficiency of the cervix, with some other pathologies of pregnancy, sex is not recommended, but if everything is going well, and the doctor does not mind, then the spouses may not limit themselves in pleasures. It is only important not to forget that deep penetration positions are now undesirable, as is the use of heating or cooling lubricants.


Proper nutrition now will help to avoid many problems - heartburn, constipation, hemorrhoids, pathological weight gain. If a woman still has not adjusted her diet, now there is a great opportunity to do so. It is important to avoid prohibited foods - smoked meats, marinades, canned food, fatty meats, mayonnaise, fried and spicy foods. Each meal should be balanced: slow carbohydrates should be supplemented with fats and proteins.

You should eat in small portions 5-6 times a day. Do not forget about clean drinking water. It should be consumed at least 1.5 liters per day. Limit salt and sugar to a minimum. Fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, and low-fat dairy products are welcome.

Now it is important that the diet has enough foods containing calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, E, C.

Physical activity

A woman, if she is not prescribed bed rest, at 15 weeks can lead a usual lifestyle, take walks, do gymnastics, do swimming, yoga. It is important to remember that you cannot stay in one position for too long. If the work of the expectant mother is related to sitting or standing in one place, you should make it a rule to do five-minute warm-up pauses in order to establish blood supply, relieve stress on the legs, tailbone, lower back.


Many mothers describe week 15 as the best time of their entire pregnancy, because now it is still very easy and already quite calm. Many pregnant women have just now started diaries in which they enter the results of self-weighing, menus, mark the first movements, if they have already occurred, or are just preparing to make such an exciting entry.

Only a small number of pregnant women at this time begin to attend special courses, where theory and practice go hand in hand - a woman learns a lot about her pregnancy, as well as about the upcoming birth and caring for a newborn. These courses are available at every antenatal clinic.

If possible, it is better not to postpone their visit until the prenatal period, but to sign up now. This, according to experienced mothers, helps to better prepare for the upcoming addition to the family.

About what happens to the fetus and the expectant mother at the 15th week of pregnancy, see the next video.

Watch the video: Pregnancy week by week: 15 to 19 - (July 2024).