
Vitamins "Multi-tabs" for children

When parents choose a vitamin preparation for their child, they often pay attention to complex supplements from well-known manufacturers. One of these additives is the Multi-tabs complexes from Pfiser. Which of the preparations of this vitamin line are developed for children, when is it worth taking them and how to do it correctly?


The following vitamin supplements for children are produced under the Multi-Tabs brand:

  • Baby - vitamins in drops for babies in the first 12 months of life. The drug includes the main vitamin compounds for the development of the baby, which are important for the formation of bones, teething, the formation of connective tissue and other processes in the body of an infant. The supplement is available in a 30 ml vial with a built-in measuring pipette. After opening, it is important to store such a drug in the refrigerator.

  • Kid is a multivitamin complex for children aged from one to four years. It contains 11 vitamins, supplemented with basic mineral compounds, among which the most valuable is iodine. The supplement comes in the form of strawberry-raspberry chewable tablets, which are sold as 30/60 pieces per pack. The product does not contain artificial colors or preservatives.

  • Junior is a multivitamin formula for children over 4 that can be taken up to 11 years of age. The additive promotes better adaptation in kindergarten or school, assimilation of knowledge, and a decrease in the frequency of infections during visits to child care facilities. The drug is produced in the form of chewable fruit or strawberry-raspberry tablets, placed in packs of 30 or 60 pieces. The complex is high in iodine, which supports the immune system of children, and also contributes to the development of intelligence. There are no preservatives or synthetic colors in the Junior tablets.

  • Teenager is a drug specially developed for adolescent children, from which a child over 11 years old receives the main vitamins and mineral compounds. The supplement provides a healthy dose of iodine to the growing teenager's body, which improves intellectual ability and aids in exam preparation. The drug is a chewable tablets in packs of 30 and 60 pieces with lemon-cola or vanilla-orange flavor.

  • Kid Calcium + is a complex vitamin preparation that contains calcium. The drug is recommended for children 2-7 years old in the absence of dairy products in the children's diet, during the recovery period after illness, as well as when changing milk teeth. The supplement is a banana or vanilla-orange chewable tablet, packaged in packs of 30 or 60 pieces.

  • Vitamin D3 is a vitamin supplement that provides a key source of vitamin D. This preparation contains 400 IU of colecalciferol. The drug is approved for use in children over 3 years old. It is produced in the form of tablets, packed in 180 pieces in one package.

  • Immuno Kids is a multivitamin formula that includes minerals and probiotic bacteria to support the child's immune system. The complex is intended for children aged 7-14 years. Its use will strengthen the defenses of the child's body, including the period after antibiotic therapy. The additive is produced in the form of sweet chewable tablets with strawberry-raspberry flavor, packaged in 30 pieces per pack.



Multivitamins of the Multi-Tabs brand are prescribed for children:

  • With a deficiency of vitamin compounds, as well as minerals.
  • To prevent the development of rickets in the first years of life.
  • With an inadequate or insufficiently balanced diet.
  • In order to increase the resistance of the child's body to infectious agents and other adverse factors.
  • With an increase in mental stress.
  • With active growth in preschoolers.
  • In the recovery period after infectious diseases, operations or injuries.
  • When visiting sports clubs.
  • During the change of teeth.

Among doctors there are both supporters and opponents of the introduction of vitamin complexes into the child's diet. The arguments "For" are given by the doctor of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia in the following video.


Multi-tabs should not be given to a child if:

  • Severe renal pathologies.
  • Intolerance to any component of the supplement.
  • Hypercalcemia or hypervitaminosis D (if supplemented with vitamin D or calcium).
  • Hypervitaminosis A (if this vitamin is in the composition).
  • Serious heart disease.
  • Phenylketonuria (if aspartame is present).

It is also important to take into account age restrictions, for example, Multi-tabs Baby is not allowed under the age of 12 months, Multi-tabs Junior should not be given to children under four years old, and the Teenager complex is prohibited for use in children who have not yet turned 11 years old.


  1. The Baby complex is given to babies during one of the feedings or immediately after feeding. The daily dose is 0.5-1 ml.
  2. The drug Kid is given every day to children from 1 to 4 years old, one tablet. The drug is taken with meals or after one of the meals. If necessary, the tablet can be crushed and given to the child in powder form.
  3. Complex Junior is given to a child of 4-11 years of age with meals, one chewable tablet per day. Also, the drug can be taken immediately after any meal (preferably breakfast).
  4. The Teenager supplement is given to children aged 11-17 years, one tablet per day. The child is offered to chew the pill during breakfast, after breakfast, or at any other meal.
  5. The drug Kid Calcium + is given with meals. A child 2-7 years old is offered to chew one tablet during any meal. The supplement is taken once a day.
  6. Vitamin D3 supplementation is given to children over the age of three, one tablet a day.
  7. The Immuno Kids complex is prescribed for children 7-14 years old for 1 month, offering the child 1 chewable tablet every day during one of the meals.

Prices and reviews

Parents speak of Multi-tabs complexes differently. Most of the time they are happy with the ingredients, and kids love the taste of drops and chewable tablets. Among the advantages, mothers emphasize the convenience of use, because the child needs to be given only one tablet a day. Many parents note that after using the Multi-Tabs multivitamin, the child's appetite has improved and the frequency of colds has decreased.

There are also negative reviews, mainly related to the fact that some children did not fit the Multi-tabs multivitamins because of allergies. In addition, mothers often complain about the large size of the pill and the overly sugary sweet taste.

Among the disadvantages of such supplements, parents also note a rather high price. The average cost of the Baby complex is 200-300 rubles. For packaging of such drugs of the Multi-tabs line as Kid or Junior, you need to pay an average of 300-400 rubles. Multi-tabs for teenagers, like the Immuno Kids complex, costs about 400-500 rubles.

Replacement products

It is possible to replace the multivitamin complexes Baby, Malysh, Junior or Teenager, which are produced under the Multi-Tabs brand, with similar preparations containing all vitamin compounds and minerals that are key for the development of children. Among the analogs of the complexes from Multi-tabs are vitamin preparations Pikovit, Vitrum, Centrum, Alphabet, Kinder biovital and many others.

If a mother wants to avoid taking synthetic vitamin and mineral complexes, she should pay attention to the baby's nutrition. If it is balanced and of high quality, all the necessary vitamins and minerals will enter the child's body with food.

The child's diet must include dishes from vegetables, dairy products, fish, fruits, cereals, meat, fresh herbs, vegetable oil and many others.

It is also important to remember about the formation of vitamin D in the skin under the influence of the sun's rays, so the child should be in direct sunlight for at least a few minutes a day.

Many pediatricians do not see the need to introduce vitamin complexes into the diet of healthy children. Among them is the authoritative doctor Komarovsky. See the next video for more on this.

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