
Silver rattle - a memorable gift for newborns

Often, close people want to present young parents with a memorable gift for a newborn, which will be kept for many years. Some people choose a silver spoon for the first tooth as such a present. Recently, however, silver rattles have been very popular.

To choose the right gift, you need to understand the advantages and disadvantages, the features of choice and the most popular brands.


Rattles are the first toys for a newborn since ancient times. Previously, they were considered a talisman for crumbs from evil forces, which they had to drive away with their noise. Now they talk a lot about the developmental properties of this toy, namely:

  • interaction of the baby with the outside world;
  • acquaintance with the properties of various objects;
  • development of hearing, coordination, vision and fine motor skills of the hand.

Silver has strong antibacterial properties, destroys various microorganisms. It also has a positive effect on the human body, helps to strengthen the immune system. Doctors and scientists unanimously talk about the benefits of silver items in a child's life.

It is for these reasons that a silver rattle can be a very relevant gift for a baby. Indeed, in comparison with similar toys made of plastic or wood, it will only have a positive effect on the baby's health.

In addition, a baby is unlikely to be able to break such a toy or break it. Mom need not worry about the baby licking her, because silver has excellent antibacterial properties, is environmentally friendly, does not contain toxic substances... It is perfect for massaging baby's gums.

The silver rattle has an attractive appearance and will stand out among the huge variety of familiar toys. Her sound is pleasant, soft and melodic. Even if she falls, there will be no harsh noise that the baby can be afraid of.


Young parents should be aware that silver is a heavy metal that can accumulate in the body. Large doses of it are very unsafe and difficult to remove. Therefore, you should still limit the play of crumbs with a silver toy. It shouldn't be freely available. It should only be offered for games from time to time. In this case, the doses that enter the body of your child will be minimal and will not harm his health.

Caring for such a toy requires knowledge of how to clean silver. It is better to familiarize yourself with how to do it right in advance. Such a gift is very expensive, and not everyone can afford it.

You should not stop your choice on fashionable European brands. Among domestic manufacturers, you can find beautiful, elegant options that you will like and will be affordable.

Moms and dads should remember that when the baby already has teeth, their contact with metal will not be beneficial. You need to carefully monitor that during this period the baby does not take such a toy in his mouth.

At what age to give and how to choose?

There is a belief that a silver rattle brings health, wealth and success to a child. It can be presented for the discharge of the mother with the baby from the hospital, the first month of life or christening. Young parents will definitely appreciate it and will keep it for a long time. It is likely that it will become a family heirloom and will be inherited.

When choosing a silver rattle, first of all check if it has any sharp edges, which could hurt a baby. The handle should be comfortable to grip, not too thick. The sound may vary, but don't choose too loud toys. The exterior design is also quite varied. Currently, rattles are popular, which depict various animals and birds: elephants, bears, ducks, goslings and others. They also vary in weight and size. The cost of the present also depends on this: the more precious metal is used to create a toy, the more expensive it will be.

On sale you can find not only rattles made of silver separately, but also complete with other items. Sets with a spoon, sippy cup or a cup for crumbs are very interesting. They perfectly complement the gift and make it even more original and luxurious.

Review of popular models

When choosing a silver baby rattle, you should calculate your budget. The cost of these items made of precious material will depend on the brand, how difficult it is to perform, and the weight.

  • Domestic manufacturers offer a variety of models in the range of 2500-7000 rubles. European brands like Tiffany will cost you much more. Some of the most expensive rattles are rattles Carrs of Sheffield. This manufacturer supplies silverware to the Royal Court itself in England. Their toys are distinguished by nobility, simplicity and strict adherence to traditions. The cost of a model of a rattle with a mother-of-pearl handle, popular in Russia, from this manufacturer is about 15 thousand rubles.
  • An equally popular brand is Tiffany & Co. Their rattles are packed in traditional blue boxes and are very cute.

  • For 12-15 thousand rubles, you can buy a gift from a fashion brand Chopard... His toys are distinguished by their interesting design and shape.
  • Legendary Hermes offers its customers an original toy with a branded horse.

  • Russian manufacturer "Argenta" offers interesting and high-quality models that can be purchased within 5 thousand rubles.
  • The Sokolov Jewerly brand offers a fairly wide selection and interesting models. Toys are notable for their affordable price range, rich selection and touching design.

Giving a silver rattle as a gift to a newborn, you can be sure that this gift will be one of the most memorable, and will also favorably differ from all the others. After all, he is not only gorgeous and rich, but also handsome, useful and practical in all respects.

In the next video you will find an overview of the silver bear rattle.

Watch the video: Sterling Silver Sak 5th Avenue Baby Rattle u0026 Fork and Spoon Set (June 2024).