
Convertible strollers: the best models for your child

When a baby appears in the family, in addition to the necessary paraphernalia (crib, baby clothes, care products, etc.), you need to purchase a stroller. They come in many different types and shapes. Most users advise buying convertible strollers, as they are very practical and have a wide variety of species.


The stroller, in the usual sense for everyone, appeared in the 18th century in England. Outwardly, it looked like a small cart, which was rolled by a small donkey or pony. Such a means of transportation could only be afforded by the rich layers of the population. Over time, the models have improved and become lighter, more practical and cheaper.

It is necessary to highlight the functional features of the transformer stroller:

  • It is possible to flip the handle to the opposite side. The kid can look at the road or at mom while walking. You can also adjust the handle height.

  • The set includes a special carry cot with a hard bottom. It has a detachable visor and carrying handles. It is very convenient to use for transporting a child from home to a stroller.
  • The stroller is transformed into a walking version. The kid is fixed with special belts, he can freely move the legs and arms. A protective bumper table is also installed in front. As a rule, it is made of plastic. Such a transformation will be needed when the child is already sitting by himself.
  • The back can take 3 positions: sitting, reclining, lying. This is very convenient when the child is tired and wants to sleep, and the mother needs to visit another store or they did not have time to get home.

  • Most models have swiveling front wheels. They improve the maneuverability of the stroller and help to overcome obstacles in the form of curbs, stones and other things. With them, it is much easier to turn to the side or turn around, since you do not need to raise the front part.

The peculiarity of transforming strollers lies in the fact that they simplify and reduce the search for the required option - their multifunctionality allows them to be used from the very birth of a child to three years of age without purchasing additional means for transporting the baby.

Pros and cons

Convertible strollers have a number of positive and negative points that must be considered when buying. The advantages of this model include:

  • The ability to use such a stroller from the moment the child appears until the day when he can already move independently. The presence of a separate cradle makes it possible to transport an infant not only from home to a stroller, but also on a bus, hospital, train, plane. He can sleep there peacefully and lie there when necessary. Children grow up very quickly and parents cannot always have time to buy the necessary things. If the child can already sit, then this means that you can transform the stroller into a walking version and you do not need to buy a separate version.

  • High level of maneuverability and cross-country ability. Typically, these strollers have large, wide-set wheels. This makes the transformer more stable on the road, and also increases the convenience of movement. This is especially helpful during the fall-winter period. Lumps of dirt and drifts always make it difficult to move. It should be noted that the rotating front wheels are especially appreciated by moms. They help to maneuver and avoid obstacles in the form of holes, stones, road cracks.
  • Reversible handle. Thanks to it, you can easily protect your child from direct sunlight. One has only to throw the handle and roll the stroller forward on the other side. It is also convenient because the child can be turned to face the road and it will be much more fun and interesting for him to walk in the fresh air.

  • Additional accessories. Almost all strollers are equipped with special covers for winter and summer. In winter, you can additionally insulate the body from above so that the child does not blow. In the summer, a raincoat is put on, which in bad weather will not let the stroller and the baby get wet. In the summer, a large number of insects fly. A mosquito net will help protect your child from mosquito bites and annoying flies. It is not always included, but you can purchase it separately. There is also a large carrying case. It is usually attached to the handle. It is convenient to put in it all the necessary things that will be needed during the walk (bottle, wet wipes, diapers, toys). In the lower part (under the cradle) there is often a metal basket for storage and transportation. You can put purchases or the same toys with which the child plays in the sandbox or on the playground into it.
  • Affordable price. Almost any family can afford this model of a stroller. The price will vary due to additional amenities and accessories. Accordingly, the more expensive the transformer, the more amenities and devices it includes.
  • The ability to unfasten fabric elements. Strollers get dirty too. Both outside and inside. Therefore, it is very important to be able to wash the covers and to protect the child from dirt and accumulated dust.

If we talk about the disadvantages of a transforming stroller, then there are not so many of them. These include the following features:

  • Great weight. Almost all models weigh from 9-11 kg. When there is no outside help, it is very difficult to lift the stroller to the desired floor. Therefore, you should think in advance about your convenience. As a rule, transformers are purchased by people whose houses have an elevator or special rails on the stairs. It is also difficult to roll it uphill, while the weight of the child and the bag is added to the weight of the stroller. As a result, she weighs about 15-16 kg. But if you roll it on a flat surface without a slope, then a lot of weight becomes its advantage - the stroller will be more stable.

  • When folded, the stroller has large dimensions. This model, even when folded, will take up a decent part of the space. To transport it, you will need a car with a spacious trunk. For this reason, it is not entirely comfortable to move around in public transport with her (it will be difficult to hold a child and a transforming stroller at the same time).
  • In some species, it is difficult to access the luggage net when the backrest is lowered as low as possible. This nuance does not apply to all strollers. Therefore, it is worth considering it in advance (even when choosing a stroller in a store). Very often, the child falls asleep while walking, and the mother reclines the back so that the baby is comfortable. At this time, she can make purchases that need to be put in the basket under the cradle. In this position, it will be very difficult to do, since you will have to raise the seat. As a result, the child wakes up and cries.


The convertible stroller is ideal for families who don't want to spend extra money. It can be used from the first birthdays of a baby up to 2.5-3 years. Such strollers are sometimes called jeeps, as they have excellent cross-country ability and maneuverability. Very often this model is confused with a 2-in-1 stroller.

Transformers have only 2 types:

  • A stroller with a simplified transformation. In this version, you can make a walking version by raising the back. To make a recumbent cradle, the back is lowered and a carrying bag is placed on it, which has a solid base.

  • A stroller with a complicated design. Here, the transformation is not as fast as in the first option. The walking option is carried out by attaching additional seat belts and a plastic table handle. These parts are attached to buttons or special clips.

If we talk about the 2-in-1 model, then it has a special chassis, on which either a cradle with a protective hood and a plastic case, or a walking seat is installed in turn. That is, there is no transformation.

Weight and dimensions

The dimensions of transforming strollers are very diverse. As noted earlier, almost all models are heavy (from 10 to 20 kg). But there are also lightweight options that are more mobile and practical to use.

The width of the stroller is determined by the distance between the two front wheels. It is better to measure it in advance and check if it will pass freely through the doorway in the house. If you have a car, then you also need to measure the height and thickness of the folded transformer, because sometimes it will have to be transported in the trunk. The stroller must fit freely there so that during transportation it does not get scratched or bent.

There are several popular models that are considered the lightest and most comfortable for parents and children.

One of the most frequently purchased products is the Chicco Urbun Plus Crossover. This is an Italian convertible stroller, but the manufacturing plant itself is located in China. It is appreciated for its low weight - 11 kg. The peculiarity of this model is that it has a narrow body. Thanks to this, the stroller can freely enter a regular elevator (not a freight one), pass through standard doorways. It is easy to fold and lift.

The Polish transformer "Marimex Galaxy" has a wider body. This option is suitable for families where a large child was born. He will be spacious and comfortable there. And thanks to the lightweight frame, it is easy to transport and move.

Another Polish stroller - "Adamex Young" is distinguished by its low weight. The manufacturer claims that the proportions of weight (15 kg) and size are observed in it (the cradle has dimensions of 40 by 85 cm), so that during the walk the mother will not feel any tension and discomfort. Also, this model has small folded volumes, which simplifies its storage.

A stroller of premium class from Germany - "Gesslein F6" has excellent characteristics. The carry cot measures 84 x 34 cm, which is quite roomy. The total weight is 15 kg.

There are a lot of high-quality and comfortable transforming strollers today. The most important thing before buying them is to find out the exact dimensions so that there are no unpleasant surprises in the future.

How to choose?

It is best to purchase a stroller before the baby is born, since the moment of labor cannot be planned in advance. It must be chosen taking into account the living conditions (floor, the presence of an elevator in the house), financial capabilities, technical characteristics, and also in accordance with the gender of the child. Thanks to modern technology (ultrasound), you can find out the sex of the child with almost 100% accuracy.

As a rule, they take a pink or just a light stroller for a girl, and a blue or green one for a boy.

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing is the weight of the transformer. The heavier the stroller, the more difficult it will be to move around with it. Do not forget that the weight of the child and the things that are needed during the walk will be added to the main weight.

In the store, you can try to ride and lift the stroller. If there is no feeling of comfort, then it is better to refuse this option.

Particular attention should be paid to the material from which the body and frame are made. Light alloy steel is considered the best option. It is lighter and stronger than iron. It is very important that the legs and uprights are not made of plastic.

If we talk about the material for external cladding, it is better to give preference to polyester. This is an environmentally friendly fabric that does not let in the sun's rays, does not get wet and does not burn. It has excellent thermal insulation properties, does not fade or fade. Also its advantage is a wide variety of colors.

Eco-leather would be a good option. Of course, she has few colors, but she also has a number of advantages. It does not allow moisture to pass through, is easy to clean (any dirt can be wiped off with a regular damp cloth), and is also not blown out.

For interior upholstery, linen or cotton is the best option. They will not allow moisture to accumulate, and also will not create discomfort for the baby.

It is desirable that all fabric parts come unfastened. This is very important as the child can get dirty inside and outside the stroller.

Wheels should be chosen carefully. There are 2 options: inflatable or one-piece. It is very difficult to say that any option is better. It all depends on the condition of the roads along which the stroller will move. If the asphalt surface is in good condition, then you can safely take the first option. But sometimes you have to pump them up.

If the roads have obvious defects (cracks, a lot of sharp debris), then you should take solid rubber wheels. They are not afraid of nails, broken glass, holes.

Many stroller owners do not recommend purchasing models with plastic wheels. They quickly wear off on the asphalt and lose their shape. Because of this, the stroller starts to shake. Moreover, such wheels can simply crack over time. Their only advantage is that in winter they cope better on snowy roads than rubber ones.

A good option would be a hybrid, where the plastic case has a rubberized rim. Their size matters a lot. The larger the wheels, the more comfortable it will be to move. Small wheels will constantly get stuck, get stuck in snow and mud.

It is very convenient when the wheels can be detached. They can be removed and washed. Thus, dirt will not remain from the stroller in the hallway.

The damping system also requires special attention. It is best to purchase a model in which the basket is fixed on belts, and not on springs. This option is much more comfortable for the baby. The stroller itself is also much smoother and more maneuverable.

The wheels must have brakes. Their reliability must be checked even in the store.

The backrest of the stroller must be rigid and not bend from the weight of the child. Otherwise, the baby may have problems with the spine.

The lifting and lowering mechanism must work smoothly and properly, without jamming or squeaking.

It is worth giving preference to transformer strollers, where the handle can be thrown over and change the height. The adjusted handle for the parent's height will add extra comfort while walking.

It is advisable to select a model where there is a sufficiently large distance between the cradle and the basket for storing things. The main thing is that there is free access to it - the child does not need to be lifted or moved.

A pleasant addition will be the availability of additional accessories in the form of a mosquito net, a raincoat or a warming fabric cover. If they are not included in the kit, then it is advisable to purchase them, since during a walk the child should not experience discomfort from mosquitoes, rain drops or a draft.

The choice of a stroller must be approached very seriously and responsibly. First you need to look at all the models, evaluate their advantages and functionality. It is very important that the baby is comfortable and pleasant to be in it.

How to fold?

In order for the transforming stroller to serve well for the entire operational period, it is necessary to use it for its intended purpose. Sometimes you need to transport it to another city or to a dacha, and for this the stroller must be properly disassembled and folded so that it fits in the trunk of a car or on a bus.

The transformer is easy to fold. The most important thing is to follow the instructions that come with the kit. Also, during the purchase, you can ask the seller to show several times how to assemble it and put it back out.

To fold a standard convertible stroller, follow these steps:

  • First, remove the raincoat or upper insulation (if available).
  • The carrycot is removed and the bag is removed from the handle.
  • The handle is thrown to the extreme rear position.To do this, you need to raise (or press, it all depends on the model) the latches and fold it back until it clicks.
  • The footrest is lowered. It also has either buttons on the sides or latches.
  • The wheels are locked in a straight position and applied to the brakes.
  • Further, the stroller "breaks" in half. To do this, you must press on the special latches. As a rule, they are located on the sides of the body.
  • Wheels are removed if desired. They can be fixed with a pin or clamp.

The stroller unfolds in the reverse order.

Overview of manufacturers and models

Today, children's goods stores have a large assortment of transformer strollers. But the more options, the more difficult it is to decide on a model. It is very important that the price of the stroller matches its quality and functionality.

To purchase a high-quality model, it is best to first read reviews from real customers or talk to moms on the playground, where you can even try to ride a stroller and understand whether it fits or not.

Alis amelia

One of the cheap and high quality options is the "Alis Amelia" model. They are produced by a company from Poland. Users note that such a stroller is small in size and freely passes through a standard doorway. Its wheels are not inflatable, but solid. This is very convenient, since they do not need to be pumped up periodically, and there is no likelihood that the wheel will burst. They can be easily and quickly removed, which allows you to wash off accumulated street dirt from them. Also, the owners note good shock absorption, which softens the ride on bumps and stone paths.

The basket for transportation and storage is small. According to the manufacturer, you can put items there that do not exceed 2 kg in total. The rocker handle, like most models, has a convenient thickness and a corrugated finish. Due to this, it does not slip out of hands and does not rub calluses. A medium-sized bag is attached to the handle. The things you need for a walk can fit there.

The set includes a carry cot. Many parents note that it has uncomfortable handles. They are not very strong and thin. There is a danger that the child may fall out. A stationary carrycot with thin inner walls and synthetic upholstery, which is not very popular with the owners. Therefore, it is necessary to additionally forgive a blanket or diaper for the convenience of the baby.

The stroller quickly transforms into a walking option when the child has become older. The only negative is thin seat belts, which are suitable only for a calm baby. If he is active and likes to get up, then the child will easily get out of them. This stroller has a practical hood that perfectly protects from sunlight and wind.

The disadvantages include a large weight - 13 kg, as well as the rapid wear of the mechanisms that are responsible for folding the cradle into a stroller.


The “Marcus” model is also a budget option. It has the same functions as above. The wheels are different - they are inflatable. The weight is slightly more - about 15 kg. Owners appreciate this stroller for its maneuverability and stability. She easily overcomes obstacles in the form of snow-covered roads, rocky streets, roads with flaws (with holes, curbs, cracks).

Mothers point out several disadvantages:

  • The carry cot outweighs when carried by the handles. Because of this, the child may fall out.
  • The seat belt system is uncomfortable. You have to unfasten each element separately.
  • The spokes on wheels become rusty over time and must be removed.

If we consider this model as a whole, we can say that it has good shock absorption, a spacious cradle, small dimensions, excellent cross-country ability and an affordable price.


A good option is the Montana stroller. Almost all owners note that it has large inflatable wheels, which more than ever help to drive on Russian roads. But they do not rotate around their axis, like in previous models. The kit includes a pump.

The stroller has a comfortable carrycot. It has a rigid and durable frame that reliably protects the child from accidental bumps. The fabric handles are thick and durable enough, and the baby's head does not outweigh during wear.

The owners note that the stroller has a comfortable handle that adjusts to the height of the carrying person. All fabric covers and parts are detachable and can be washed in a regular washing machine. The set includes a raincoat and a mosquito net.

The transformer has few disadvantages:

  • wheels must be lubricated periodically, otherwise a characteristic creak appears;
  • the set does not include a bag for small items;
  • large weight of the stroller.


The "Pilot" stroller will delight you with its functionality and practicality. Its big plus is its weight - 10 kg, which is much less than that of the above models. The kit includes all the necessary accessories (mosquito net, bag, etc.). The cradle itself is quite roomy and spacious. There is a window with a mesh on the hood. On a hot sunny day, you can open it and let the air circulate.

The wheels are not inflatable, easily detached, have a large diameter and good shock absorbers. The child does not shake on bumps and uneven roads. If we talk about the negative aspects, then many mothers note the poor maneuverability of the stroller when the handle is on the side of the baby's back. It was also noted that in a sitting position there is not enough room for a child to move comfortably. To change the angle of inclination of the backrest, you have to make an effort - the mechanisms often jam.


They speak ambiguously about the "Casper" stroller. Its positive qualities are:

  • large protective hood;
  • wide and large wheels with shock absorbers and brakes;
  • a spacious basket for storing and transporting purchases and things;
  • the presence of additional pockets on the hood.

There are more cons:

  • significant weight - 18 kg;
  • poor maneuverability;
  • the wheels may fall off during a walk, as the fixing pin sometimes falls out;
  • seat belts can chafe your baby's neck and legs;
  • the cradle itself is not very roomy. A large child will walk closely in such a stroller.


An interesting option is the Doona model. It differs in that it can be transformed into a full-fledged car seat. Its clear advantage is its low weight - 8 kg. It is designed for babies from birth to 9-10 months. All necessary accessories are included. All fabric covers are removable and machine washable. The wheels are of small diameter, the front wheels rotate around their axis, and also have stoppers. This stroller will cost 3 times more than the above models, but it is worth the investment in it.

As mentioned earlier, stores are overflowing with various models of convertible strollers. The most important thing in choosing them is to weigh the pros and cons. A high price is not a guarantee of quality.


In order for the stroller to serve as long as possible, it must be used only for its intended purpose. Each model has weight restrictions prescribed in the instructions that must be observed. Otherwise, the "crew" will quickly fail.

Wheels are the basis for a pleasant walk. Their original appearance and condition are very easy to preserve if you follow the following rules:

  • Try not to "draw" your wheels on the asphalt when turning. In order to turn, you need to slightly tilt the stroller towards you. You don't have to do this if the front wheels can rotate.
  • Do not bump into rocks and cracks on the road. Of course, you can't keep track of everything in a hurry, but during a calm ride, you should try to go around all the obstacles, and not cross them.
  • Wheels need to be lubricated and cleaned periodically. This will prevent squeaks and crunches from occurring.

It is also necessary to clean the covers and wash the case correctly. Before washing the hood, carrycot and other fabric covers, you need to remove from them all plastic and metal fasteners that hold their shape. The mode on the typewriter must be set in accordance with the type of fabric. It is desirable that the material is not squeezed out strongly. Otherwise, it will lose its shape very quickly.

For washing, you can use both regular and special baby powder. This procedure should be performed as soon as the stroller gets dirty. Street dust will not add health to your baby.

As for the hull and wheels, it is better to use a regular soap solution for high-quality cleaning. For the convenience of washing, it is better to put the stroller in the bath. In a private house, this is much easier to do: you can simply wash all the parts under running water from a garden hose.

Very often, parents leave the stroller for the next child. In order for it to retain its original appearance, the following steps must be followed:

  • Completely clean all parts and fabric covers.
  • Dry everything thoroughly.
  • Fold the stroller. Remove wheels if possible.
  • Pack it in a cellophane bag. If it will be stored in a garage or on a glazed balcony, it must be ventilated periodically. This is necessary so that moisture does not accumulate there, and mold does not form.

If any of the elements is broken, then you can try to fix it on your own. But if you do not have faith in your own strength, then it is best to contact the master or to the store where the stroller was purchased.

Most convertible strollers have a fairly long warranty period - from 1 to 2 years. According to it, the store is obliged to replace the part free of charge or make repairs.

If you are choosing a stroller for newborns, pay attention to the innovative convertible stroller from L-SUN, which is presented in the following video.

Watch the video: Budget-Friendly Newborn Must-Haves 2020 Travel Systems, Monitors and more (July 2024).