
Microlax for children: instructions for use

Many mothers encounter constipation in a child, but it is not worth rushing to use the methods of our grandmothers (a tube, a bar of soap, an enema, others) - especially if the child is completely tiny. A combination medicine called "Microlax" can cope with this problem. It is often prescribed for adults in preparation for a bowel exam or difficulty having a bowel movement. Instructions for the use of this drug are simple. Not everyone knows whether such a drug is allowed for children, whether it is suitable for babies.

Release form

Microlax is produced in the form of a viscous colorless solution, which is injected into the rectum. It is placed in microclysters in a volume of 5 ml in one plastic tube. One box contains 4 or 12 tubes. Each has a tip that tapers slightly towards the tip. In addition, each tube has a security seal that must be broken off before use.


The action of Mikrolax is provided by three compounds:

  • Sodium lauryl sulfoacetate. This ingredient is a 70% solution and is represented by a dosage of 9 mg / 1 ml.
  • Sorbitol. This is also a 70% solution, of which 625 mg is contained in 1 ml of the drug.
  • Sodium citrate. The dosage of such a component is 90 mg in 1 ml.

Additionally, each tube contains glycerol and sorbic acid, and there is also purified water. These components give the solution the desired consistency and prevent deterioration.

Operating principle

Mikrolax has a laxative effect due to the following effects of its active ingredients:

  • Liquefaction of feces, which occurs under the influence of sodium lauryl sulfoacetate.
  • Strengthening the flow of water into the intestinal lumen - due to the effect of sorbitol.
  • Displacement of bound water from the intestinal contents (as a result of the influence of sodium citrate).

The consequence of the use of microclysters is the softening of the food lump inside the intestine and easier emptying.


The medication is in demand for constipation caused by various factors:

  • the transition to artificial feeding;
  • acquaintance with complementary foods;
  • violation of the diet of a nursing mother;
  • insufficient water intake - for example, in hot weather;
  • insufficient lactation;
  • changing the mixture;
  • an allergic reaction;
  • heredity;
  • improper nutrition of the grown child (too little vegetables, sour milk products, vegetable oil, dried fruits);
  • taking medications and other reasons.

Most often, "Mikrolax" is prescribed for constipation, which arose in a child for the first time - if tummy massage and drinking did not help. As soon as the doctor determines the cause of the difficulty with defecation, the need to use microclysters disappears, because it will be necessary to eliminate the factor provoking constipation.

"Mikrolax" is prescribed for children who are to have an X-ray or endoscopic examination of the lower digestive tract. In such a situation, the drug is administered before the study so that nothing interferes with the procedure.

From what age is it allowed to take?

There are no age restrictions on the use of Mikrolax. Such a remedy, if indicated, can even be prescribed to a newborn. It is usually used to quickly help a child with an unknown cause of constipation, even before going to the doctor. If it comes to small children, it is recommended that you first contact a pediatrician and use a micro enema after a medical examination.


The medication is not prescribed for children who are hypersensitive to any of the components of "Mikrolax". Microclysters should not be used for damage to the mucous membrane of the rectum or anus. There are no other contraindications for such a medicine in its annotation.

Side effects

In some children, after the introduction of "Mikrolax", discomfort may appear in the abdomen or in the anus. Occasionally, the medicine will cause soreness in the upper abdomen, as well as severe thinning of the stool. In very rare cases, the drug causes allergies, which can manifest as a rash or itching.

Instructions for use and dosage

Microlax is used once a day (rectally) as follows:

  1. After washing your hands, laying the child down and taking one tube, you need to break off the seal from its tip.
  2. Next, you should not press very hard on the that a drop of solution comes out. It will lubricate the tip to make insertion into the rectum easier.
  3. After that, the tip is inserted into the patient's anus.... If the child is already 3 years old, the tip is inserted completely, along its entire length. For babies under 3 years old, insert it only halfway (there is a mark on the tip for these patients).
  4. Pushing on the tube, you should correctly introduce the entire solution into the rectum.
  5. Continuing to press on the packaging, remove the tip and discard the used tube.

The duration of treatment with microclysters is determined by the doctor, but usually the remedy is used only for one day or several days - as an emergency aid. If symptoms persist, the child should be examined additionally and, if necessary, another laxative medication should be prescribed. Too long use of "Mikrolax" can adversely affect the work of the digestive tract.

What to do if micro enema did not help?

The medicine usually works 5-15 minutes after its use. For most babies, with constipation, stool after microclysters is noted after five minutes. If the child has not gone to the toilet after the procedure for 15 minutes, it is advised to wait a little longer. In some children, it takes a little longer for the medication to work (up to 30 minutes).

If, even after half an hour after the introduction of "Mikrolax", there is no effect, doctors recommend giving the baby water and putting him on his stomach, to do a massage. For such a massage, you need to carry out circular movements, not pressing very hard on the tummy. It is advised to move the hand around the navel (clockwise).

After using microclysters, it is important to monitor the health of the crumbs. If the baby is calm and not crying, his intestines are not yet full. Wait a little longer before emptying. If the child by his behavior shows that there is still constipation, Mikrolax did not help, you need to consult a doctor.


As noted by the manufacturer, there were no cases of exceeding the dose of Mikrolax before that time. This is due to the fact that the medicine is packaged in tubes that are used for one micro enema. So the dosage error is excluded.

Interaction with other drugs

Since micro enema contains sorbitol, "Microlax" cannot be used together with sodium or calcium polystyrene sulfonate, because such a combination of drugs can cause intestinal necrosis. The manufacturer does not mention incompatibility with any other medications.

Terms of sale

"Microlax" represents a group of non-prescription drugs, so it is freely sold in pharmacies, however, it is not recommended to buy such a drug for a small child without consulting a gastroenterologist, pediatrician or other specialist. The average price of a package of four microclysters is 280-320 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

It is recommended to store the tubes at home at a temperature not higher than +25 degrees, placing the packaging in a place where a small child cannot reach it. Shelf life of "Mikrolax" is 5 years. If the date marked on the box has passed or the seal on the tube is damaged, you cannot use this product.


There are usually good reviews about the use of Mikrolax for children. Parents say that the medication acts very quickly (in most children - after 5-10 minutes) and is easily used at home, replacing an enema. Many mothers call the form of release of the drug convenient, noting that it is easy to open the tube, and the introduction of the tip does not cause any discomfort in the children.

The main advantage of Mikrolax is safety, because such a multicomponent preparation works only locally. Its components do not enter the general bloodstream, but leave the body along with the feces. For this reason, most children do not have side effects. Only occasionally do little patients complain of pain or discomfort, and allergy to microclysters occurs in isolated cases.

As for the cost, the drug is called affordable and not very expensive. Rare use allows you not to buy many tubes at once, but to limit yourself to a pack of 4 pieces. At the same time, many mothers who used Microlax for a child said that it is possible - and necessary to keep such a remedy in a home medicine cabinet.


There is no completely similar medication in our days. However, in case of constipation in children, other medicines can be used instead of Mikrolax:

  • Duphalac. This lactulose-containing syrup is prescribed by pediatricians from birth. Due to the hyperosmotic effect, such a medication increases the volume of feces and activates intestinal peristalsis. In addition, it has a positive effect on the intestinal flora. It can be replaced by other drugs with lactulose - for example, "Portalak", "Normase" or "Goodluck".
  • "Glycelax". Such a remedy, represented by glycerin suppositories, is safe for children and is used from 3 months of age. One pediatric dosage suppository contains 0.75 glycerol. This ingredient reflexively stimulates the digestive tract to speed up emptying.

  • Forlax. This macrogol laxative powder can be given to children 6 months and older. Its advantages are physiological effects and lack of addiction. To give the drug to a child, you need to prepare a solution from the contents of the sachet.

  • "Guttalax". The action of these drops is provided by sodium picosulfate, which can stimulate bowel movements naturally. They are used from 2 years old, but only as directed by a pediatrician. The medicine is also available in tablets, approved from the age of 4.

Any medicines that have a laxative effect should be used for children only under the supervision of a specialist. The pediatrician will select a suitable remedy for the little patient, taking into account both the cause of constipation and the presence of contraindications. Do not give any of these medicines without a doctor's prescription.

For more information on the use of Mikrolax, see the next video.

Watch the video: How To Give Enema. Demonastration and See Procedure (July 2024).