
Choosing a cane stroller: rating of the best and tips for choosing a lightweight walking model

Fresh air is very beneficial for a growing body, so walking is an important part of a child's life. The moment when the child becomes uninterested in lying and not seeing what is happening around comes in the life of every mother. And here we are overtaken by the torment of choosing which "carriage" to buy for a walk.

The cane stroller is mobile, folds easily and has small dimensions when folded. The wide range of functions offered for different models makes it an indispensable item in the life of mom and baby.

Features, pros and cons

There are two types of strollers that have a folding mechanism: a cane stroller and a book stroller. It is best to choose the option that suits you by testing at the point of purchase. The dimensions of all modifications are approximately the same, but the folded cane stroller is much more compact. When folded, it transforms into an object that looks like a cane, and can stand outside the door or lie in the closet. It takes up less space in the trunk of the car, and if you pick up the model by yourself, you can fold it and lower it down the stairs with one hand, without much effort. For mobile mothers who often travel by car with their child, travel, the "cane" will be a great choice.

The advantages of a cane stroller are obvious:

  • light weight - for various models it ranges from 1.5 to 9 kg;
  • simple folding mechanism;
  • compactness;
  • mobility;
  • a wide variety of models and additional functions;
  • maneuverability.

There are also disadvantages, however, a large number of offered models allows you to choose a set of functions that completely suit both mom and baby. Among the disadvantages are:

  • the back of inexpensive models is a stretched fabric, so it is inconvenient and harmful for a child to ride it for a long time;
  • the standard "cane" does not fold out into a horizontal bed, so sleeping on the street is excluded;
  • the visor, which protects from wind, sun and rain in full, is usually only removable and takes up additional space during transportation;
  • most of the models are summer, while winter models are more voluminous and are quite expensive.

From what age is it used?

A wide assortment allows you to choose vehicles suitable for almost any age, but it is worth considering a number of features. Most reclining models are suitable for use from 6 months of age. It is possible to say that a cane stroller with a solid back and a folding base is suitable for a child from six months old, but whether there is any point in such an acquisition is up to mom to decide.

Such transport is necessary for a toddler who can walk. In this case, it becomes much easier to get to the playground, policlinic, walk around the shopping center. The "cane" can be carried folded in the hand, and at any time a tired baby can sit down and move further on transport.

The numbers here may be different, but on average, you can talk about buying a "cane" from the age of 10-12 months. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that with active use, the service life of such a stroller is rather short, and in conditions of poor roads, frequent and long driving, a large child's weight, it can be about a year for cheap models.

Models and classification

All strollers can be classified into 4 categories:

  • with a horizontal position of the back;
  • with the possibility of a slight transformation of the backrest angle;
  • with a reclining back position;
  • with a fixed back.

The complete set can be very different. A muff for a child's feet, a bumper, a rain cover, a mosquito net, a cover for transportation in a car, a handle or a carrying strap, a visor - the range of useful functions offered is very large, and the convenience from them is obvious. The cost of the vehicle also increases with the number of add-ons.

Weight and dimensions

This parameter is one of the main ones when choosing a cane stroller. Light weight minimizes even the problem of descending stairs with the baby - a folded stroller in one hand, with the other hand you can freely support the child who is striving to freedom. On the other hand, the lighter the stroller is, the less stable and maneuverable it is, bumps and stones on the road are not adequately absorbed in this case. And if the model provides for a bag-case or a backpack for carrying, then you become the most mobile mother that can be.

The optimal weight indicators can be considered from 6 to 9 kg. In this case, the ratio of lightness / stability will be sufficient for the routine of walking.

If the use of the stroller will be reduced to using a couple of times a week exclusively on level roads, you can choose an easier stroller. The lightest are, as a rule, the cheapest models with a minimum of functions. It should be remembered that strollers weighing up to 6 kg can easily turn over, so it is absolutely impossible to leave the child alone in it and step back a couple of steps.

Heavier non-folding strollers weighing 10 kg or more are suitable for longer seated walks, but the mobility of the cane is minimized here.

Back position

One of the important selection criteria is the ability to expand the back into a horizontal bed for sleeping. This function, as a rule, after a year is irrelevant, however, many children fall asleep while riding, and in this case it is necessary to unfold the backrest. Strollers with a horizontal back position are usually chosen if the child is planning to sleep in the air. The backrest angle is not 180 °, but 160-170 °.

The backrest has up to 5 positions, including recumbent. When choosing, you should pay attention to the size of the resulting bed. Usually it turns out to be short, and the legs have to be put on the footrest. Some models have an extended bed or a lift-up footrest to increase the length when unfolded. If necessary, you can even install a cradle with a baby up to 6 months on the resulting space.

Most often, such strollers are on four paired wheels with a shock absorber. Therefore, the stroller's travel is soft enough, minor irregularities and stones are compensated for and are hardly noticeable for the child. When choosing such a stroller, a hood with a window for observing what is happening in the stroller is important.

Strollers with a semi-reclining back position weigh about 6 kg. Backrest angle - up to 140 °. In such strollers, it is possible to arrange a reclining position for resting an unexpectedly tired baby. As a rule, such strollers are purchased for active walks, so under the seat they have baskets-nets for toys or purchases, a hood from the sun or rain. Their front wheels are usually maneuverable, rotating 360 °.

Strollers with the possibility of a slight transformation of the back angle have an average weight of up to 5 kg, calculated for a child from 9 months. The backrest can take up to 2 positions. This is the lightest category of strollers, and therefore the most dangerous for the child. The price of these "canes" is significantly lower than the first two categories, transportation is much easier. There are models that are simply a metal frame with a fabric seat. The price for them varies between 1500-2500 rubles. They can be used for very short trips on a flat road, or they can be kept in the trunk of a car in case of need.

Strollers with a fixed back have an average weight of 7-11 kg, calculated for a child from 1 year old. The backrest angle is static. A sitting stroller of this type will be comfortable for the baby with its rigid back. Usually they are purchased if walks are planned near the house and over nearby distances.

Wheel type

There are a lot of options for the wheelbase of cane strollers, despite the condition of their compactness. Wheels can be:

  • single or paired;
  • front pair - static or rotating 360 °;
  • by execution - inflatable or one-piece;
  • by material - rubber, plastic, plastic with a rubberized surface.

The advantages and disadvantages of each option are varied. For example, inflatable rubber wheels will cushion any road imperfections well, but they add a lot of weight. Plastic wheels, on the other hand, are light, but they damp worse and rattle on bumps.

For city conditions, a stroller with medium-sized plastic wheels with a rubberized coating, preferably with front movable wheels for maneuvering, is suitable. However, if at the same time walks also take place in forests, parks or places with uneven, sandy or rocky roads, then the front wheels must be blocked.

The standard wheelbase for the cane is a stroller with 4 single wheels, 6 or 8 wheels in twin version. The most stable option is 8 wheels - two paired wheels at the front and rear. Most variants have swivel front wheels that can be locked.

Today, manufacturers are starting to offer a three-wheeled stroller with a cane mechanism. The frame is made of heavy-duty plastic and the seat is made of parachute fabric, making it uniquely lightweight and particularly attractive to parent travelers.

The size of the wheels is responsible for the passability of the stroller: the larger the wheels, the higher the passability.

Hood size

The hood is not included on all models. Most cane strollers have rather small visors, their purpose is to protect the child's head from the sun. In case you need protection from wind, rain, the hood should be large enough.

Usually, such hoods have several transformations and can be removed altogether, serve as a small visor, or cover the child almost to the legs. There are various options for unfolding the hoods - with a zipper, a button, a carabiner.

They are also removable, and when folded, the strollers are transported separately. This hood can be removed, if necessary, to lighten the overall weight of the stroller.

The material of the hoods is different. There are options for hot weather with a mesh that partially lets in the sun and fresh air, options with a window for a view so that the mother can look at the baby on the go, without stepping forward of the stroller. In general, the main thing for the fabric of the hood is water repellency and waterproof properties.

Handle type

Basically, cane strollers have 2 separate handles. The device of one solid handle, like a "book", interferes with the folding mechanism, so it is quite problematic to carry the stroller with one hand. Most of the "walking sticks" with handles are all standard. In most cases, the modification does not have height adjustment. To decide if such a stroller is right for you, you need to ride it when buying, otherwise the walk will become a torment for mom.

But there are models that offer adjustment of the handle both in height and in the position of the child - facing mom or facing the road. The design of the handles is quite cumbersome, and the cost of the stroller sometimes doubles. Such a handle often breaks and undergoes replacement. But there are also enough advantages here: the ability to turn the stroller against gusts of wind, the ability to fully observe the child, calm him down if necessary, the ability to increase cross-country ability by changing the position of the driving wheels.

Availability of depreciation

Shock absorption is one of the main indicators of the comfort of a stroller for a baby; it dampens shocks and shocks while driving. Quite often, this parameter is poorly represented in "canes".

Most often, these wheelchairs use direct spring shock absorbers. This system is quite simple and compact, it is located directly in the frame at the wheel attachment point. The choice of shock absorber here is directly proportional to the load on the stroller: the higher the expected load, the harder the spring must be.

Additional shock absorption can be provided by inflatable wheels due to pneumatics, soft seat material.

Foot Muff & Bumper

The foot muff is a fairly popular accessory for those who like to walk longer and in any weather. In cool, windy and rainy conditions, it will protect your baby, especially if he sleeps in the stroller. Usually the cape for the legs is made of the same material as the hood.

Some canes have shopping baskets. Usually they are made of mesh and are not very roomy, but it is quite possible to put toys, things, a bag with small purchases there.

The bumper is an accessory for the child's safety while driving. It protects the little passenger from falling out of the stroller. Often, the bumper is supplemented with a partition between the legs that is fastened to it, which completely excludes the possibility for an overly independent child to get out on the go.

In addition, the bumper is comfortable for children, you can put handles on it and hold on while driving, fasten toys. The most convenient option is a detachable bumper handrail. It can be unfastened, and it becomes much easier to get the child into / out of the stroller.

Safety belt

In addition to the bumper, belts are responsible for the safety of the baby in the stroller. They are two-point, three-point, and five-point. The most convenient and reliable option is five-point belts. Attachments-carabiners should, on the one hand, be tight so that the child cannot open them himself, and on the other hand, should not cause unpleasant sensations in the mother when unbuttoning and be stubborn for an adult.

The belt should be loose around the baby's waist. Usually the length of the belts is adjustable. It is good if the belts are equipped with soft pads. They will avoid chafing at the contact points.

We take into account the season

The standard cane stroller is an option more suitable for the warmer months. Riding on "walking sticks" with small plastic wheels on a snow-covered street will definitely not work, and in the absence of a cape on the legs, even in the fall, sitting in a stroller, the child will freeze.

Thanks to the large number of additional accessories, it is still possible to pick up an all-season "cane". She should have inflatable wheels of large diameter, a hood on legs, a large hood. As a rule, such strollers can be found in the lineup of expensive manufacturers, and the price for them will be high. Finding a budget option here is unlikely to work.

Design and color solutions

The appearance of modern "walking sticks" is very attractive. Some models can satisfy the highest aesthetic needs. The choice of colors today is huge, different colors and patterns will delight any kid. But when choosing, you should take into account some of the nuances:

  • The dark color heats up faster in the sun and can overheat the baby with a long walk.
  • The material of the stroller must be waterproof, easy to clean, and pleasant to the touch.
  • It is advisable to choose models with a removable fabric base. It can be machine washed, if necessary.

How to fold?

If parents travel often, it makes sense to choose folding stroller models. Some of the foldable models can even be taken as carry-on baggage on aircraft. Usually the "cane" is folded by pressing a button or handle. First, the wheels are connected, then the back with the seat is folded. In this position, everything is fixed with a special clip.

The folding mechanism depends on the design of the stroller, so when choosing a model, you need to check whether the option in question is convenient for you.Most firms offer mechanisms that can be folded quickly and easily with one hand. This is important, because often the hands of parents are busy with shopping bags or the child himself. Compact non-folding strollers with a hard back are the best choice for walking close to home and within walking distance.

Rating of popular models and reviews

In many ways, the choice of a stroller depends on its cost. The price range of the models is very large. There are prestigious luxury models of popular brands, there are very cheap options. It should be remembered that often the high price depends on the manufacturer's level of awareness, and the low price can be caused by the same quality. A varied selection of modifications and decent quality from mid-price strollers from manufacturers: Mobility One, Happy Baby, Baby Care and Babyton. The Chinese brand Jetem is also entering a wide market in this segment with strollers of very good appearance and a wide range of functions.

You can find a budget option from firms with the proven quality of Peg-Perego, Inglesina and CAM, but their price will still be quite high. Consider 10 popular models today in a variety of price categories, weight and technical capabilities.

Childhood World Light

A stroller for occasional use. Model "World of Childhood Light". This stroller is the simplest thing that can be for transporting a child. Weight - 3.4 kg. Price - up to 1000 rubles. Basic parameters: use for a child from six months, three-point safety anchorages, 8 paired wheels, the front pair of which rotates, equipped with a locking mechanism.

Customer reviews of this stroller are mixed. They note light weight, compactness, ease of carrying, and the presence of a footrest. Of the minuses - instability, lack of depreciation.

If a stroller is needed solely to occasionally move around a shopping center or from a public transport stop to a clinic, this model is quite a suitable option.

Baby care hola

Lightweight and inexpensive strollers. Model of the Polish manufacturer "Baby Care Hola". This stroller weighs 4.8 kg. The price is about 3,000 rubles.

Basic parameters: use for a child from six months, three-point safety anchorages, reclining position of the backrest, 8 paired wheels, the front pair of which rotates and is equipped with a locking mechanism. The big advantage of this stroller is the rubber wheels. Customer reviews for this stroller are mostly positive. Of the minuses, the small size of the seat and the tight button on the bumper are noted.

Maclaren globetrotter

Compact strollers. The Maclaren Globetrotter cane can be called one of the most popular for travelers. Weight - 4.8 kg. Compactness and shoulder handle make it easy to carry. The price is about 10,000 rubles. Basic parameters: 8 paired wheels, use for a child from six months, five-point safety anchorages, basket for things, shoulder strap, plastic rain cover.

Customer reviews for the stroller are positive, most note the really light weight and ease of folding. Of the minuses, a narrow distance between the wheels is noted, which is not very convenient when walking.

Peg-Perego Pliko Mini

A stroller for a long walk (foldable, with a horizontal backrest position). Well-known brands can be considered the undisputed and irreplaceable leaders in this category, since a long walk implies comfort and safety. Here it is better to choose a proven quality, for example, "cane" from Peg-Perego "Pliko Mini". Price - about 9,000 rubles, weight - 5.7 kg. Key parameters: 8 paired wheels, the front pair of which rotates and is equipped with a locking mechanism, five-point safety mounts, sun visor, backrest adjustment.

The reviews for this stroller are very good. Buyers note a smooth ride, maneuverability, and a wide seat. A significant disadvantage is the lack of a bumper and a storage pocket. An important advantage of this stroller is its folded appearance. It can stand upright without support, the wheels are collected on one side.

Jetem Holiday

A stroller for a long walk (folding, with a reclining position of the base). A more budgetary analogue in this category can be called the Chinese "cane" "Jetem holiday". Its cost is about 4500 rubles, the stroller weighs 7.5 kg. Basic parameters: 8 paired wheels, the front pair of which rotates and is equipped with a locking mechanism, five-point safety anchorages, a large protective hood, backrest adjustment, a pocket for things, a bumper, a cape for legs.

Reviews of the stroller are positive. The stroller maneuvers well, folds easily. A huge plus is the large hood, the child under it is closed almost to the knees. With the clutch fastened on the feet, the child is 100% protected from wind and rain. Of the minuses of this stroller, a relatively heavy weight can be distinguished (it will be difficult to lift it up the stairs with one hand, holding bags with purchases in the other), a wheel fastening system. The wheel block is an integral part of two wheels on a coupling.

With active use in off-road conditions, such a mount can break, and the whole part will have to be replaced. The wheel itself is not separable.

Chicco Trio Living

Stroller 3 in 1. The renowned Italian manufacturer Chicco offers its version of the "Chicco Trio Living" cane for those who value versatility and mobility. The stroller has 4 configurations. Its price is about 35,000 rubles, weight - 10.5 kg. Basic parameters: 6 wheels, one pair of which rotates and is equipped with a locking mechanism. Use is possible for a child from birth. This stroller has a block for newborns, a car seat, a sitting block for a walk, a clutch for legs, a carrying handle, a storage basket, a plastic rain cover, two separate handles are connected into one solid, several positions of the handle in height, an adjustment of the position of the stand for legs, bumper, kangaroo bag for carrying the baby.

Reviews for this stroller are great. The mobile and compact 3-in-1 stroller is really a rarity. Of the minuses, there is definitely a high price. They also note poor depreciation during long-term use in rough road conditions.

Hauck Condor Duo

Stroller 2 in 1. A possible option here is the "Hauck Condor Duo". Price - about 9000 rubles, weight - 10 kg. Basic parameters: 8 wheels, one pair of which rotates, equipped with a locking mechanism. The set includes a block for newborns, a block for walking, five-point safety mounts, a bumper.

Reviews about this stroller are not bad, but there is a significant disadvantage - due to the small diameter of the wheels, it does not pass well on a snowy road.

Inglesina twin swift

Stroller for twins. A popular twin stroller is the Inglesina Twin Swift. Price - about 20,000 rubles, weight - 12.7 kg. Basic parameters: 12 wheels (6 double pairs), the front pair of which rotates, equipped with a locking mechanism. 4 backrest positions, which can be changed separately, footrests, five-point safety anchorages, large hoods, storage pockets.

The reviews about this stroller are positive, the independent adjustment of the backs is called a big plus.

Peg-Perego Si

All-season stroller. In this category, the "cane" "Peg-perego Si" can be distinguished as a successful option. Its price is about 18,000 rubles, weight - 7.1 kg. Basic parameters: 4 wheels, front - swivel with locking mechanism, five-point safety anchorages, adapters for attaching a car seat, sun visor, plastic rain cover, leg cover, large fabric basket.

Reviews about this stroller are different, but mostly positive. The advantages of the model are high cross-country ability, convenience for a child, a large hood. Some users talk about poor running, rattling when driving.

Cosatto supa

Premium stroller for walking (foldable, with a horizontal backrest position). It is impossible not to mention the main beauty among the “walking sticks” in the rating - “Cosatto Supa”. Its price is about 18,000 rubles, weight - 7.5 kg. Basic parameters: 8 paired wheels, the front pair of which rotates and is equipped with a locking mechanism, five-point safety anchorages, double-sided sealed fabric, a protective layer on the fabric parts from the sun's rays, a large number of unique colors, a large hood, a pillow under the head, a cover for legs, a clutch for hands, a warm envelope for the cold season, a duffel pocket, a place for parents' gadgets, a plastic rain cover, a cup holder, a speaker for a player. All fabric parts are removable.

Reviews about this stroller are quite good, many people mark this stroller as the most beautiful in its class. The stroller has a very large hood, as close to the horizontal as possible. Of the minuses, they note the noisy system of folding the visor, the absence of a bumper in the kit, and the low seating position of the child.

How to choose?

Before choosing a stroller model, you need to decide which functions are necessary for you and your child, and which may be secondary and optional. Whether you will carry it in the trunk or take it with you on the plane, whether the child will sleep on the street, what time of year you plan to use it, is there a need to carry the stroller on your hands.

Expanding the stroller to a horizontal bed is an important parameter when choosing a stroller for travel, when a child gets tired quickly and it is not always possible to put him to sleep at home. Also, this parameter is very important when buying a compact "cane" for a child up to 1-1.5 years old.

It is advisable to watch the stroller live before buying on the Internet. You need to try to fold it, unfold it, lift it and carry it folded, roll it. The stroller should be suitable for mom's height and handle height.

There are several basic rules for a guide when choosing a model:

  • Age-appropriate for the child.
  • The presence of a rigid backrest frame.
  • The weight of the stroller is from 4 kg, with a lower weight, the stroller will be too unstable.
  • Quality materials. The stroller is usually used very intensively, therefore, saving on quality, you need to understand that re-purchase in a season will be much more expensive.
  • Size, number, rotation and locking of the front wheels. The maneuverability and maneuverability of the transport depends on this indicator.
  • Before purchasing, check the certificate of conformity, hygienic certificate, as well as the equipment and assembly and operating instructions.

When buying a stroller for a large child, it is important to consider the width and depth of the seat. Some manufacturers indicate the maximum load weight for the stroller.

If your child is growing rapidly and will soon outgrow this figure, the model in question should be abandoned. Excessive loading with active use will lead to rapid damage to the wheels and frame.

Strollers for twins are a separate category, because the ability to move depends on the right choice. Walking with two children with a heavy, unwieldy and uncomfortable stroller, or with two separate vehicles for the mother becomes an impossible task. Combined strollers are quite comfortable and relatively compact.

Generally, cane manufacturers offer a side-by-side option. This design is comfortable, both children sit facing forward. It should be noted that with a folding back, it is better if they are independent of each other on two parts of the stroller. In this case, one baby can lie down and the other can sit.

Comparison with a pram-book

As an alternative to the "walking stick", you can consider book strollers. They fold, relatively speaking, "in half". In this case, all the wheels are together, and the handle is in the opposite place, which prevents it from getting dirty. The weight of the "books" is approximately twice that of the "walking sticks". The average weight of a "book" is about 9-10 kg, but there are also lightweight models weighing about 6 kg. In this case, the dimensions of the transport will be larger. This means more seat for a child, a berth, higher stability of the stroller. However, when folded, such strollers take up more space and are less convenient for transportation.

Almost all strollers with such a folding mechanism are equipped with a complete set for the convenience of the child: a bumper, a cape for the legs, a hood. Compared to the cane, the grocery basket is larger and more spacious here.

It is rather difficult to decide which folding mechanism to choose a stroller. With the same accessories, material and functions, the strollers differ greatly.

If you are planning long-distance walks, they will be more convenient with a spacious and stable "book". For trips to the playground, store, clinic, the "cane" is perfect.

Today, manufacturers of both types of strollers offer different configuration options. Lightweight and reduced in size, the "book" from YoYo is very compact when folded, it is allowed to take it into the aircraft cabin. The impressive and comfortable BabyHit "Drive" cane is great on long hikes.

For information on how to choose the right stroller, see the next video from Dr. Komarovsky.

Watch the video: Choosing the Best Lightweight Stroller A Parents Guide (September 2024).