
Serious ARVI in a child at 10 months

anonymously, about a girl, 1 year old

Hello! We have the following situation. My child is 10 months old, now he has a high temperature of 39.1, red throat and coughs, stuffy nose (green snot). We were at the doctor's office - they said that the virus, on the legs like a marble mesh and cold, was advised to do an enema (1/4 analgin, 1/4 paracetamol, 1/4 drotaverin). At the moment, the gums are swollen, we are trying to bring down the temperature (nurofen, cefikon suppositories), but it drops only to 37.7. At night I stopped sleeping, like falling asleep in my arms, but then waking up either from pain, and sometimes from coughing. For coughing I give Ascoril. Please advise how we should proceed further?

Hello! You need to call an ambulance and undergo treatment in a hospital, the symptoms are quite serious and can cause very serious consequences. Do not self-medicate, this will only make the situation worse.

Pediatrics, anonymous (about girl, 1 year old), 26 December 2018

I have a 9 month old baby who eats cottage cheese for dinner, eating an acceptable amount, requires more. Can I give her more curd than I can?

Pediatrics, anonymous (about boy, 1 year old), 26 December 2018

Hello. NAN comfort milk formulas contain palm olein - is it palm oil or something else that is broken down and excreted? Thanks.

Pediatrics, anonymous (about a girl, 4 years old), 26 December 2018

Good evening! I wanted to know if it was worth getting vaccinated against pneumococcus (a child of 4.6 years old) if he had pneumonia. Thanks.

Pediatrics, anonymous (about boy, 1 year old), 22 April 2017

Good afternoon. My son is 4.5 years old. We go to a speech therapy kindergarten, because we have been diagnosed with speech delay and hyperactivity. Bali at a psychiatrist's appointment, where we were appointed ...

Pediatrics, anonymous (about a girl, 1 year old), 11 April 2017

Hello, Doctor. The child spent a long time on the street, said that he was not cold (girl 2.6 years old). Approximately 5 hours at an air temperature of 15-18 degrees. In the morning the temperature was 38.9 - they knocked it down, and ...

Watch the video: 10-Month-Old Baby - What to Expect (July 2024).