
Rinonorm for children: instructions for use

The cold season is traditionally considered the season of colds, viral infections, flu. And closer to spring, many begin to manifest allergies, including the runny nose caused by this disease. It is especially easy for children to catch colds and get sick, so it is important for parents to know which drug can be taken so that the kids get better quickly.

Release form

A well-known cure for the common cold is "Rinonorm", which is available in the form of nasal agents: drops, spray and gel. Moreover manufacturers offer a special dosage for children with a reduced concentration of the active ingredient. Parents can only choose a more convenient form (drops or spray "Rinonorm" 0.05%).

Drops are sold in dark glass bottles with a pipette cap of 10 and 15 ml and in spray cans of 10 and 15 ml with a convenient spray cap that dispenses injection.


Spray and drops are a solution of the main active ingredient (xylometazoline hydrochloride). Each milligram of a nasal remedy for children contains 500 mg of this substance.

Xylometazoline hydrochloride is a topical alpha-adrenergic agonist that has a vasoconstrictor effect on the nasal mucosa. A runny nose should be treated as early as possible. This is where the Rinonorm nasal products come to the rescue. The vessels narrow, the swelling subsides, and the child can breathe freely again.

Stabilizers, including citric acid, glycerol, are included in the Rinonorm preparations as auxiliary components. The solution is based on distilled water.

Operating principle

When a viral or bacterial infection enters the mucous membrane, the pathogenic organism is introduced into its cells. First, there is dryness and burning in the nose, and then there is swelling of the mucous membrane. Simultaneously with edema, active discharge begins, nasal congestion appears.

Some parents believe that a cold is not caused by an infection and therefore does not need to be treated. Hypothermia itself, which, as a rule, leads to a cold, is really not a disease. But the disease that we call the common cold occurs when, due to hypothermia, the child's immunity weakens. At this point, children are more vulnerable to bacterial infections.

A runny nose is not a completely harmless disease. Difficulty breathing leads to a decrease in oxygen concentration in the blood... Internal organs and tissues of the child begin to experience a lack of it. This condition is called hypoxia. Prolonged hypoxia adversely affects the health of children.

When using "Rinonorm" alpha-adrenergic agonist, getting on the mucous membrane, contributes to the narrowing of arterioles (small arteries in the nose). The flow of blood to the mucous membrane is reduced, the edema subsides, and the redness also becomes less pronounced. When breathing is restored, children begin to feel better, lethargy, drowsiness, accompanying shortness of breath, pass.

The action of Rinonorm nasal products lasts up to 6-8 hours. Therefore, if you give them to a child before bedtime, then he is guaranteed to sleep peacefully all night.

In addition, timely started treatment will avoid various complications in which inflammation can spread to the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx. This can cause diseases such as sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, otitis media.

If the appearance of a runny nose is associated with a seasonal exacerbation of an allergy or contact with an allergen, then the action of Rinonorm will also alleviate this condition. In this case, the agent must be used in combination with antiallergenic drugs.


Rinonrom nasal remedies can be taken if a child has a runny nose, regardless of its cause: a viral, bacterial infection or allergy. "Rinonorm" is indicated for acute sinusitis, ie inflammation of the paranasal cavities, as well as exacerbation of the chronic stage of this disease.

When a child has a runny nose, you can use children's "Rinonorm" before consulting a doctor, since it is important to "capture" the disease at the very beginning and not let it develop. But it is imperative to consult a doctor if the child is sick. Parents can write down the names of all the medicines they gave the child, and the doctor, based on the symptoms and individual health indicators of the child, can adjust the method of treatment.

"Rinonorm" is also successfully used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of otitis media. The drug relieves swelling and relieves the condition of the child. But you should not immediately apply Rinonorm if your child has an ear ache. It is best to see a doctor first, who will prescribe an appropriate treatment.

Shown "Rinonorm" and in preparing children for various manipulations, procedures and surgical operations in the nose.

At what age is it prescribed?

Even in a children's dosage, doctors do not recommend giving a child under 2 years of age "Rinonorm". This is due to the peculiarities of young children, in whom many physiological processes in the body proceed differently than in adults and older children. Babies under one year old are especially vulnerable in this sense.

The appearance of a cold in a small child who cannot breathe through his mouth is very dangerous. Parents should seek immediate medical attention to recommend an approved drug. Pharmacists in pharmacies are also qualified to advise a medicine that is suitable for a baby.


Strict contraindications to the use of Rinonorm preparations are increased individual sensitivity to the components. It is also not recommended to use an alpha-adrenergic agonist if there are mucosal damage in the child's nose: wounds, scratches, crusts.

Alpha-adrenergic agonists are not used simultaneously with inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants.

The use of nasal preparations "Rinonorm" intended for adults, children under 10 years of age is contraindicated. In the absence of a drug with a baby dosage, many parents decide to give their child an adult "Rinonorm". But doctors believe that this is not necessary. Using a drug with a higher concentration of the active ingredient can lead to symptoms of an overdose and a deterioration in the child's condition.

Only under the constant supervision of a doctor, "Rinonorm" is given to children suffering from diabetes mellitus, severe heart disease.

Side effects

In some cases, after using Rinon nasal preparations, a local reaction may occur in the form of a feeling of dryness or burning in the nose, and sometimes the mucous membrane of the mouth and larynx. Children may complain of headache, poor sleep, sometimes parents note increased excitability and poor health of the child, sometimes an increase in pressure may be observed. In the most severe cases, nausea and skin rashes may appear.

If one of these symptoms is noticed, even if there is a possibility that its appearance is not associated with "Rinonorm", you need to suspend the drug treatment and consult a doctor. If treatment is continued, the symptoms may worsen and the child's condition may worsen.

Instructions for use

Before intranasal administration of the drug, it is necessary to clear the child's nose of accumulated mucus.

When using the spray on a child between 2 and 10 years of age, it is recommended to spray one spray up to 3 times a day. One injection corresponds to 0.14 ml of solution. In this case, at least 6 hours must pass between the two receptions.

For children over 10 years old, use an adult form of spray with a concentration of 0.1%. Also, one injection into each nasal passage is sufficient no more than 3 times a day. The total duration of treatment is no more than 7 days.

The use of Rinonorm drops for children from 0 to 6 years old is allowed 1-2 times a day, 1-2 drops. For this age category, Rinonorm drops 0.05% are used. Children over 6 years old are given drops of "Rinonorm" 0.1%, 2-3 drops up to 4 times a day.

Rinonorm nasal gel can only be given to children over 7 years old. The gel is placed in the nose up to 4 times a day, including before bedtime.


In the course of treatment with Rinonorm preparations, an overdose is observed in rare cases. Symptoms are increased blood pressure, arrhythmia. With a large overdose, loss of consciousness is possible.

If a child accidentally took a large amount of the drug inside, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance... If for some reason it is impossible to call specialists, you should do a gastric lavage on your own. This is not the most pleasant procedure. The child should be given from 150 ml (for newborns) to 600 ml of water (for children from 7 years old). Then you need to induce the child to vomit.

It is important to consider that gastric lavage is effective only for one to two hours after taking the medicine.

In any case, after washing, or if it was not possible to do it, you need to give the child activated charcoal or any sorbent, as well as a laxative. This will help remove unwanted substances from the body as quickly as possible.

Doctors advise taking an alpha-adrenergic agonist overdose seriously, as it is a strong vasoconstrictor.

Interaction with other drugs

It is known that simultaneous administration with MAO inhibitors leads to an increase in blood pressure, and when combining treatment with Rinonorm with tri- or tetracyclic antidepressants, the effect of the drug increases, which can cause overdose symptoms.

Terms of sale and storage

Rinonorm drugs are classified as non-prescription drugs. After purchasing from a pharmacy, the bottle or canister must be stored at an air temperature of no higher than 25 C. If the container is kept closed, then the shelf life is 3 years from the date of issue. After opening, the medicine can be used within one year. The production date is always indicated on the packaging.


Buyers respond positively to Rinonorm products. Parents note the rapid effect of drugs on the common cold in children, a rare manifestation of side effects even with repeated treatment.

An important advantage of Rinonorm is that the medicine is produced in Russia, is subject to strict quality control and meets all domestic standards. Another plus of the Rinonorm preparations is their low cost. The average price of drops or spray does not exceed 100 rubles.


According to the active substance, the analogues of Rinonorm are such medicines for the nose as Xilen, Rinostop, Zvezdochka, Tizin Xylo and others.

For the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky about the need to use vasoconstrictor drops, see the following video.

Watch the video: How to Teach Response to Name for Children with Autism (July 2024).