
E. Komarovsky about dysbiosis in a child

The topic of dysbiosis in a child is one of the most relevant for parents of both newborn babies and older children. Let's find out the opinion of the famous pediatrician Komarovsky about this problem.

What is dysbiosis?

According to Komarovsky, bacteria live in different parts of the human body (in the nose, throat, vagina, lungs, intestines), and not one by one, but in a certain combination, which is called microflora.

The name "dysbiosis" refers to any violation of the microflora, but since this condition develops in the intestine most often, therefore, this concept often refers to intestinal dysbiosis.

The important role of intestinal microflora

A well-known physician claims that dysbiosis is a common problem with a variety of symptoms. And so that parents can better understand why such a disease is relevant, it is necessary to understand the functions that bacteria perform in the human intestine. Among them:

  • Participation in the synthesis of vitamins. Thanks to the activity of microorganisms, nicotinic and folic acids, B vitamins, and vitamin K are formed.
  • Providing gas exchange in the digestive tract.
  • Help in the renewal of cells (their division) of the intestinal mucosa.
  • Increased activity of enzymes in the intestine.
  • Aids in the synthesis of amino acids.
  • Participation in the metabolism of fatty acids, as well as uric acid and bile acids.
  • Regulation of the work of lymphoid cells (synthesis of lysozyme and immunoglobulins) in the intestine.

The most common causes of dysbiosis

According to Komarovsky, most often leads to the appearance of dysbiosis:

  1. Taking medicines. Komarovsky notes that not only the prescription of antibiotics leads to dysbiosis in the intestines, but also the use of any other drugs and treatment methods that suppress the immune system.
  2. Eating disorder. Dysbacteriosis often develops with the abuse of sweets and fatty foods, as well as with a monotonous diet and diets.
  3. Digestive system diseases (gastritis, colitis, ulcers, pancreatitis, duodenitis and others), as well as an operation performed on the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Early feeding. Too early acquaintance of a child with food that is not suitable for his age is a very common cause of dysbiosis in the first year of life.
  5. Intestinal infections and infection with worms.


First of all, the popular doctor reminds that the concept of the norm in relation to microflora is very theoretical. Despite the fact that many studies have established normal values ​​for the intestinal microflora, the ratio of bacteria changes under the influence of a huge number of factors - changes in diet, season, age, and others. So dysbiosis is not always a disease, and if it is presented only by an analysis on a piece of paper, and there are no symptoms and complaints, nothing needs to be treated.

The next thing Komarovsky warns about is that parents should not unreasonably resort to antibiotics. He notes that there are drugs that almost do not cause dysbiosis, for example, erythromycin or lincomycin. But there are also medications, one tablet of which can disrupt the microflora in a child, for example, chloramphenicol or tetracycline. A specific drug for a child should be prescribed only by a doctor.


Komarovsky calls the treatment of dysbiosis a difficult matter, for which the patient must have patience and punctuality, and the doctor must have sufficient qualifications. It is a complex of diet and pharmacological agents, the choice of which is influenced by the type of disease, the cause of development, symptoms and test results. The main method of therapy is to take eubiotics, but this is not the only treatment. The child may be prescribed enzymes, bacteriophages, vitamins, and in some cases antibiotics.

According to Komarovsky, it is quite simple to cure dysbiosis if it is possible to eliminate the cause of this pathology and the disease did not develop very long ago (less than six months). But even in this case, you should not count on a very quick cure.

Watch the video: Dysbiosis Treatment Tips (July 2024).