Newborn health

Myths about infant colic

Almost every young mother in the first weeks of her baby's life pronounces the phrase "infant colic", explaining by this process and phenomenon any child's anxiety, excitement or crying.

Not every mother knows that the nature of infant colic is still not known even to the most eminent and experienced pediatricians. Nobody knows what a baby is feeling, so there is no absolute surefire way to get rid of colic. If you remember, our grandmothers called the restless state of a newborn baby a bristle, a parent, and in other words, and grandmothers-healers helped to get rid of these unpleasant phenomena.

Nowadays, pediatricians and experienced mothers recommend "treating" the notorious colic in several ways. Below are the most common ones.

The first and most popular way - This is the strictest diet of a nursing mother. Almost everything is excluded from the diet: bread and flour products, fresh vegetables and fruits, cabbage, potatoes, milk and dairy products, some types of cereals. Unhappy mom, who needs vitamins and good nutrition like no one, eats porridge on the water, fearing to introduce new foods into the diet.

Of course, a nursing mother should not eat all foods indiscriminately, but it is also pointless to adhere to such strict restrictions. I will say more - the presence and absence of colic, as well as their intensity, practically does not directly depend on the food eaten by the mother. In order to make sure of this, you should familiarize yourself with the process of breast milk production.

However, the opinions of scientists on this issue were divided - truth and myths: scientists have found out what foods in the diet of a nursing mother cause colic in a child

Second way fight colic - a warm diaper. The fabric is ironed and applied to the baby's tummy. This method must be used very carefully, and it is better not to use it at all - in some cases it is very dangerous to warm the baby's tummy and is fraught with peritonitis and other unpleasant and dangerous conditions.

Third way - carminative drugs containing simethicone. These substances only help to rid the child's intestines of excess gas. But it should be borne in mind that simethicone and its derivatives are still drugs, and, despite the fact that the manufacturer has assured us of their safety, any drug has side effects. The most common side effect of such drugs is allergies, which will cause much more trouble for the baby and mother than the notorious colic.

One of the most effective ways to relieve your baby's colic pain is to massage the tummy. The massage can be done with gentle, with slight pressure, circular movements around the baby's navel. It is better to ask the attending pediatrician about the technique of tummy massage, the doctor will show you the most useful and simple massage movements.

The main thing to remember is that colic cannot be cured, they just need to outgrow... No amount of dill water, warm diaper and medicine will help the baby as much as mother's hands and breast milk.

  • Truth and myths: scientists have found out what foods in the diet of a nursing mother cause colic in a child
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Komarovsky: Infant colic

Watch the video: Pediatricians Debunk 16 Baby Myths (July 2024).