
"Regidron" during pregnancy: instructions for use

The risk of intestinal infections for expectant mothers increases, because the woman's immune system weakens while waiting for the baby. Moreover, intoxication during pregnancy is a serious danger. Therefore, it is extremely important to quickly cleanse the body of harmful substances, as well as replenish lost fluid and mineral salts. A drug called "Regidron" copes with such tasks. It is called safe for pregnant women and is often prescribed not only for intestinal infections, but also for other pathologies.

Features of the drug

The medicine is presented as a powder packaged in portioned sachets. The contents of one such package are designed for 1 liter of boiled water. The composition of "Rehydron" includes 4 active compounds - these are potassium and sodium chlorides, sodium citrate and dextrose. After dilution, a sweetish-salty colorless liquid is formed from the white crystals, which does not have any odor. It must be taken orally.

To buy "Regidron" in a pharmacy, you do not need to take a prescription from a doctor. The average price of 20 bags is 370-400 rubles. Powder diluted with water can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. The shelf life of the medicine in sealed sachets is 3 years. They can be stored at room temperature.

Operating principle

Due to the chemical compounds in the "Regidron" powder:

  • regulates osmotic reactions;
  • helps to restore acid-base balance;
  • reduces acidity;
  • maintains osmotic pressure;
  • eliminates the lack of potassium;
  • helps to reduce intoxication;
  • supports metabolic processes.

Reception of "Rehydron" helps to replenish electrolytes lost due to diarrhea, vomiting and intoxication, due to which the state of the blood is normalized. The inclusion of dextrose in the preparation provides faster absorption of salts and an increase in energy reserves.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

As already mentioned, "Regidron" is classified as a drug that is safe for the fetus, therefore, such a drug can be prescribed to women in the position both in the 1st, and in the 2nd or 3rd trimester. However, its independent use is not recommended. Drinking diluted powder during pregnancy should only after a doctor's examination and in those doses that a specialist will determine. Taking this remedy without consulting a doctor is undesirable.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

One of the most common reasons for the use of "Rehydron" during pregnancy is an acute intestinal infection. The drug is indicated with bouts of vomiting and frequent loose stools, so it is also prescribed for food poisoning. In the early stages, the medication is often used with severe toxicosis, to alleviate the condition of the expectant mother.


"Regidron" is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the powder. If a woman has severe dehydration, this medicine is also not used, because in dangerous situations they prefer the intravenous administration of special rehydration solutions.

In the case of uncontrolled vomiting, "Regidron" is also ineffective, since the solution will not have time to be absorbed in the digestive tract. It is also not prescribed for intestinal obstruction, and patients with diabetes mellitus, liver disease or kidney pathologies can take the solution only under the supervision of a doctor.

Due to the presence of dextrose in the preparation, the use of "Regidron" is contraindicated in hereditary diseases that impair the absorption of sugars.

Side effects

If you do not increase the dose prescribed by your doctor, "Regidron" is well tolerated and does not lead to any side effects. In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur to the components of the powder. If taken too quickly, the solution may provoke vomiting. If the dose is exceeded, the sodium level in the blood may increase, which is manifested by weakness, drowsiness and other negative symptoms.

Instructions for use

The bag is opened and its contents are poured into prepared boiled water. Mixing with liquids other than regular water is not recommended. The powder is stirred until a completely transparent solution is obtained, in which there are no suspensions, flakes and other visible particles. You cannot add any other components (for example, sugar or salt) to the diluted medicine.

To assimilate the active substances of "Regidron" with diarrhea or vomiting faster, the temperature of the water in which the powder should be dissolved should be close to the patient's body temperature. However, with severe vomiting, the solution can be taken chilled.

The dosage of "Regidron" depends on the level of dehydration and the woman's body weight, therefore it is best to check it with a specialist... In case of diarrhea, the drug is drunk after each stool in small portions. When vomiting, it is recommended to wait 10 minutes, and then you can slowly drink the drug in small sips. It is allowed to take food immediately after taking "Regidron".

The duration of treatment is determined individually, but the remedy is rarely drunk longer than 3-4 days. If "Rehydron" is prescribed for diarrhea, then its reception can be stopped immediately after stool normalization.


The use of "Rehydron" during pregnancy in the event of bouts of vomiting, as well as in case of intestinal infections with frequent loose stools, respond mostly positively. Among the main advantages of "Regidron", patients and doctors indicate low risk to the fetus in the early and late stages, rapid improvement in general condition, the ability to purchase without a prescription, no negative reactions when the prescribed dosages are observed... The disadvantages of the drug include a specific taste and a limited shelf life of the finished solution.


If necessary, the doctor may prescribe the expectant mother to replace "Regidron" with a similar medicine "Hydrovit Forte". This tool is allowed while waiting for the baby, contains the same chemical compounds as "Regidron", and is also available in the form of a batch-packed powder. It is prescribed for diarrhea, vomiting, and other symptoms that cause dehydration.

Another analogue of "Regidron" can be called a remedy "Humana Electrolyte". It is a medicated blend containing sodium and potassium citrates, sodium chloride, maltodextrin, glucose and banana extract. Such a powder quickly replenishes the lost minerals, is easily diluted with water, and is effective for diarrhea and vomiting. Once dissolved, it forms a delicious banana drink that can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.

The content of one bag of "Humana Electrolyte" is designed for 250 ml of water.

The diluted drug should be drunk in a dose of 20-40 ml for each kilogram of the patient's body weight. Reception of the solution is recommended until the diarrhea stops. You can drink it, like "Regidron", both warm and chilled.